"Thank you for telling us this, Himiko. You have been a lot of help these past years." Kyojuro thanked Himiko, as Himiko bowed to him.

"It was my pleasure to help you guys out." Himiko said, as she finished bowing to Kyojuro.

"Alright, now here's the plan, our plan is to make sure we get more Demon Slayers to protect the Demon Slayers Headquarters. Next, one of us has to be by Bella's side when she is going outside. And finally, once Bella gives birth we have to be on high alert when she is giving birth so that Muzan will be surprised when he sees us. That day will be the day where we can stop Muzan once and for all, and also, will be the day the baby is born as well." Master Kagaya said, as everyone nodded and supported his plan and so with that said, they all left to get more recruits, except for Tanjiro and Himiko.

They both walked in silence, no pin drop or nothing to break this silent walk to Tanjiro and Bella house. Himiko kept thinking about the plan the Master made. Tanjiro was thinking about protecting Bella and the baby. Tanjiro couldn't believe Muzan knew Bella was pregnant this quickly. Tanjiro was hoping Muzan would never know about Bella's pregnancy, but sadly that was a wish, than it, being a reality. Tanjiro and Himiko walk inside his and Bella's house. Tanjiro knocks on the door to alert Bella that it was him.

"Come in!" Bella called, as Tanjiro and Himiko walk inside.

As Bella turns around she sees Tanjiro and Himiko.

"Oh hey guys what's up?" Bella asked with a smile, as she walks towards Tanjiro and Himiko.

"Nothing much, how about you Bella?" Himiko replied, as she asked Bella a question.

"I'm good, the baby fat is making me feel fat." Bella said, as she was tearing up a bit.

"No your not fat your gorgeous Bella, you have the most beautiful golden brown hair and have the most beautiful blue sapphire eyes I ever seen in my life time. Your my everything Bella and I will always love you, even if your fat or skinny." Tanjiro said, as Bella looked happy.

"Awww! Tanjiro!" Bella said, as she put herself and Tanjiro into a hug which made Tanjiro fall as well as Bella, but thankfully he protected her from the impact of the fall.

"Bella be careful, you could've hurt yourself and the baby!" Tanjiro exclaimed, as he was in father and husband protective mode.

"Its okay Tanjiro, I'm fine and so is the baby!" Bella said, as she smiled at him.

"*Cough* um, I'm gonna go now, so, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Himiko said, as she was about to walk out until Tanjiro spoke up.

"Where are you going?" Tanjiro asked.

"Oh, I'm gonna go to where everybody sleeps at." Himiko said, as Tanjiro nodded to her and with that Himiko left the house.

Himiko left the house to go the place where everybody sleeps at when they visit the Demon Slayer Headquarters. As Himiko made a turn, she stopped and saw Inosuke, practicing his sword skills on one of the sakura trees. Himiko couldn't help but watch silently. Himiko saw him using different skills with his swords. Some of the swords skills were easy to catch and some were tricky to figure out.

"He's good with those tricky skills, how come he didn't use any of it when we fought each other." Himiko thought, as she kept watching him.

"Ah, Damn It!" Inosuke said under his breath, as he messed up on his 'easy to catch' skills.

"Hehehe." Himiko giggled at Inosuke anger, as she cover her mouth to mumble her giggles so she wouldn't get caught by Inosuke.

Inosuke kept on his training. He finally was done for the night. Inosuke war hog mask made his face hot so, he took off his war hog mask and tossed it to the ground. He took a sigh of relief from the cold air helping him cool down. Himiko started blushing again seeing him this calm and seeing his handsome face.

Tanjiro Kamado Got Me Pregnant?! Tanjiro x OCWhere stories live. Discover now