Chapter 13: Heart Led to be Broken

Start from the beginning

"... Learned what?" Niall asks in confusion, now blushing.

"'Not to underestimate the power of women'. It's good to hear that from a guy once in a while."

"Well, I - Um, you know... I respect women and stuff. Like, I don't see them as objects or whatever other guys say that's stupid - and I should stop talking now, shouldn't I?"

"No. I mean, you don't have to... I don't mind hearing you talk. I'm Jade, by the way."

"Niall," the blond lad replies, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans before shaking Jade's hand nervously. "So, um..."

Rolling his eyes and having enough of Niall mumbling about nonsense, Harry steps up to them and holds his hand out for Jade to shake as well. "I'm Harry, Niall's representative. What's he's trying to ask you is, would you like to go out with him? He's a bit shy at the moment, since he thinks you're really pretty."

"Hi, Harry. And sure, I'd love to go out with you, Niall. I happen to be free now and the whole day, actually... We could grab a bite to eat now, if you want?"

"Hear that, Nialler? She wants to grab something to eat, which is funny, since we were just about to do that."

"Shut up, Harry," Niall hisses at him, before clearing his throat and smiling at Jade more confidently. "Actually, Harry already ate, so it'll just be the two of us."

"I actually haven't - "

"Yes, you have, Harry. Shall we, Jade?"

She giggles at them, then links her arm with Niall's. "Sure. Bye, Harry! Nice to meet you!"

"You too!" Harry calls back, waving at them before he glares at Niall's retreating back. "How dare he lie about me eating already, when I haven't?! He knows that! What a twat. And all for a girl he literally just met. He better buy me something too."

Just before he heads back to Louis' room to let him and Eleanor know about Niall's betrayal of him for a girl (and about them going on a lunch date now, but whatever), Harry spots someone annoyingly familiar sitting in the waiting room. Said person is on his phone, scrolling through it with a smirk on his face.

Huffing in frustration, Harry approaches him and slaps the phone out of his hand.

"How dare you come here?!"

"Hello to you too, Hazza. I have to say, though, it's not nice to slap someone's expensive phone from their hand."

"Oh, shut up! You have no right to be here, Liam! After what you did to my friends - The police are coming after you. Actually, they should've caught you last night, but here you are. But they're probably looking for you and are on their way - "

"They're not, actually," Liam replies nonchalantly, patting the seat beside him. "Take a seat, love. I'll explain some things to you."

"Not a chance," Harry counters, and turns to walk away quickly, but Liam grabs hold of his wrist.

"Uh-uh, Harry. Don't you know by now that not listening to me will get you nowhere? Now be a good boy and take a seat. You're already causing a scene, and I'm sure you shouldn't be doing that in a hospital waiting room full of anxious visitors awaiting news of their loved ones."

Harry gives in, knowing Liam's right as he looks around and sees some people staring at them, probably wondering why he was just yelling at Liam. He tries to convey to someone, anyone, to possibly help him get away from Liam, but said lad tugs him down roughly so he takes a seat on the chair beside him. Harry pulls his wrist out of Liam's grip, and rubs it, knowing they'll be a bruise there eventually with how tight Liam was holding him.

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