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Christian brought his free hand up to defend himself from Kazun's approaching fist. He grabbed Kazun's curled hand only inches away from his face. The hunter twisted his trapped wrist to point his blade towards the wizard and pushed it with all his might. While it didn't do serious damage, it did enough for Kazun to loosen his grip so that Christian could free his other hand. Kazun pushed the guardian away.

Christian took a second to assess the situation.

Kazun started speaking, "I think that it's time we finish this."

Alex and Ryan were both knocked back by their opponents as well. The three guardians looked at each other. And then back at the hive wizards.

Zanur jumped and slammed his fists onto the ground crackling with electricity, while Kazun spun in the air and summoned a sword, and Nekrax rose his hand above his head, summoning a glowing gun. Each of these three looked like a twisted reflection of a guardian, but Christian didn't have time to take in what was in front of him. Kazun started to swing his sword at the hunter, releasing a fiery wave that flew towards him too fast for him to escape.

Christian waited for the impact, but as Kazun was swinging his sword, Ryan summoned his own sword. He Icarus Dashed to meet the blast with his weapon in hand, swiping at it and making it disappear. He then dashed again towards Kazun and they locked swords.

Zanur and Christian looked at each other, the hunter and titan's former opponents now busy, it left them to finish what their partners started. Zanur charged. Christian was in no position to outrun Zanur, but he tried anyway. He limped backwards slowly to no avail. He looked to his right to see Alex hiding behind his cracked shield as Nekrax shot at it a second time, making it completely shatter. Alex was defenseless against the last shot. Christian threw his fractured knife at the hive hunter's hand. As Nekrax pulled the trigger, the knife hit his hand with enough force to make him shoot just over Alex's right shoulder. Christian turned back to Zanur, who had almost reached him. Just as the hive titan jumped into the air and was about to slam back down in front of Christian, Alex blazed past, bashing his void shield into the wizard, and sending him tumbling onto the ground.

Alex looked at Christian they both nodded. Alex ran after Zanur and Christian turned to face Nekrax. The dark hunter was staring back at him, his hand on his holster. While titans towered around them and warlocks fought wars above, all the hunters saw was the gun across from them, and all they felt was the one in their hands.

"Round 2, maybe you'll be more lucky this time," Nekrax chuckled.

At this point, all supers had run out, and the battle was back to regular combat. This time guns had been drawn as well. Shots fired around them in between the noise of fists connecting with flesh or bone.

"I think you dropped this," Nekrax tossed back the dull, broken blade that Christian had thrown at him before.

It clattered on the ground a few feet in front of him. The hunter walked forward and picked it up. Nekrax drew his knife in his right hand and his gun in his left. Christian followed suit by reaching across his body with his left hand to grab the handle of his Last Word. Guns and knives in hand, they charged, firing as they went. They had closed the distance between them in only a couple shots, and immediately went for the throat with their knives, only to be blocked by the other's off hand. The following moments involved an incomprehensible flurry of hands, each one almost reaching its target, just to be stopped by another. They eventually hit each other hard enough to make them both stumble backwards. Christian shot Nekrax twice more before the wizard came within arm's reach again. Then they went back to their graceful and deadly dance.

At some point in the fight, Nekrax noticed Christian's leg. He favored it in the way he fought, never putting more stress than he needed to on it. The hive guardian started targeting that leg. Christian saw this coming, and did his best to defend, but eventually, his opponent kicked his wound, which made the hunter start to fall back. Nekrax went to plunge his knife in Christian's chest once he hit the ground, but Christian rolled out of the way and kicked the wizard in the side of the head. The hive guardian rolled with the kick and back on his feet as Christian stood back up. Nekrax threw his knife before Christian could recover and prepare for the next attack. The knife burrowed itself into Christian's thigh, not far above his other cut. The hunter grabbed his leg and fell to the ground again, letting out a cry of pain as he dropped his own knife.

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