Back Scratches | Dream Headcanon #1

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He grinned cheekily, "My back is itchy hehe."

A mixture of relief and exasperation washed over you.

"I swear Lee Donghyuck, I thought it was something serious!"

"This is serious!" He insisted, feigning innocence.

You debated whether you should leave him to suffer alone for interrupting you from your work. But the pout he was giving you proved to be irresistible. Giving in, you moved closer to help him. As you eased his discomfort, he expressed his gratitude in the form of kisses and cuddles.

"My Jagiya," he punctuated each kiss with a soft peck, landing on your eyes, nose, and cheeks. "Is so sweet and lovely. I just love you so much."

"Okay, okay! I get it Haechan! Please stop, it tickles," you giggled and tried to push him off you. Your attempts to free yourself from his affectionate onslaught were in vain as he held you captive in his embrace.

"Ha nice try," he teased, his voice playfully triumphant.

You sighed, surrendering to the moment. At least your efforts were worth it.



The boy was always looking after others, but he had a hard time looking after himself. That's why you were there to take care of him, even if he felt bad about it. You knew that Jaemin had been stressed and tired this week. He didn't have to say anything, you could just tell from the look of exhaustion on his face.

You and Jaemin had similar personalities and repressing your feelings was something you both struggled with. So rather than being straightforward and asking him what was wrong, you patiently waited for him to come to you. Which he did, eventually.

It was a late night and he walked over to where you were sitting on the sofa. Your heart broke to see the tiredness in his eyes. Without a second thought, you smiled softly and opened your arms for him. He loved it when he didn't need to ask for your affection.

Jaemin crawled next to you on the sofa to wrap his arms around your waist and nestled his head against your chest. Your fingers threaded through his pitch-black locks before finding their way to trace soothing patterns along his back, a touch that eased his tension."It feels good when you do that," he would hum, nuzzling his face further into your shirt.

"It feels good when you do that," he hummed, nuzzling his face further into your shirt.

Delighted by his response, you continued your ministrations until he fell asleep. Before you followed his actions, you quietly whispered that you loved him and kissed his forehead. You didn't think he actually heard you. Yet the way his hold on you instinctively tightened confirmed that he had.



He often asked you to scratch his back and you didn't mind at all. But sometimes you were busy doing other things like homework. It was one of those days where Chenle was bored and you weren't paying attention to him because you were busy.

When an itch teased his back, he seized the opportunity to divert your attention. Urgency dripped from his voice as he called out, "(Y/n), please help me!"

You glanced up from your laptop, a hint of exasperation tinging your sigh.

"Chenle, I got you a back scratcher like two weeks ago," you pointed out, "Why do you never use it?"

He giggled mischievously, "I just prefer the way your nails feel."

You stared momentarily at the boy in front of you. How could you say no to him?

"Fine," you relented, moving to sit behind him, "But only for a few minutes!"


The two of you sat in peaceful silence as you lightly scratched your nails against the fabric of his shirt. His eyes fluttered shut in complete bliss and he would hum happily.

You secretly enjoyed these moments with him. They helped to ease your mind off your worries about school and other things. But you were too shy to tell him that. Though you never voiced it, you suspected Chenle understood the unspoken sentiment between you two.



You tried so hard to hold back from melting the first time you scratched his back for him. At first he would struggle on his own for a bit and then puff his cheeks in frustration. You found him to be absolutely adorable when he was like this.

"Let me help you Jisungie," you cooed, motioning for him to come over.

Bashfully, he tried to play it off. "Huh? Oh- you don't have to..."

Yet your insistence would outweigh his reluctance, coaxing him to sit beside you. His expectations would shatter as your nails skated across his back, an unexpected wave of pleasure washing over him. Groans of relief would escape him involuntarily as you expertly relieved his itch.

"Aish, you're so cute!" you beamed, genuine joy echoing in your words.

Turning his head slightly toward you, he'd interject with a mix of embarrassment and mock sternness, "(Y/n)-ah...I'm two years older than you."

Unfazed, you leaned over to plant a kiss on his cheek, which only deepened the rosy hue that crept across his features.

"And that doesn't make you any less cute Oppa."

While flustered, he secretly cherished the moment, hoping your adorable reaction might lead to more frequent back-scratching sessions.


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