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( season 4: episode 2: vecna's curse )


Nell gives her little brother a look and peers into the backseat. "Max, you're sitting up front next time." The redhead gives a small smile and Nell swipes Dustin's hand from the knobs once again.

"Turn off your grandma music," Dustin complains. She glares. "Excuse me?" She turns up the radio out of spite, and Stevie Nicks' Think About It pours out of the speaker.

"How much longer?" Nell gives Dustin a look. "We're going to Family Video. It's a five minute drive." He groans and fiddles with his walkie talkie, coaxing feedback from the one in Nell's glove compartment.

"Jesus, Dustin!"

He gives her a toothy grin. "You know you love me." She sighs. "I love you a little less every time you touch my radio." She swats his hand once again. "I swear to god, I'm going to blast my grandma music in your ear louder than you can comprehend if you don't get your hands off."

The car screeches to a halt in front of the store, and Nell and the the two climb out.

"Nellie! Come to visit me in hell?" Steve leans over the desk, lanky arms nearly knocking over the tower of tapes.

"Come to use your phones is more accurate, but sure!"

Steve raises an eyebrow. "Uh, okay— hey, someone was murdered, you guys see this?"

Dustin interrupted him. "How. Many. Phones. Do. You. Have?" Steve shrugs. "Two."

Robin pops up from under the desk, arms full of VHS tapes. "Three, counting Keith's." Nell nods. "Three works." Dustin pitches himself over the desk while Nell and Max take a more civilized approach of running around the back.

As Dustin monopolizes the computer. Steve leans over to Nell. "What the hell are they doing?" Dustin gives him a look. "Setting up base of operations."

"Base of operations?" Steve tries to nudge him away. "Get— get off!" Dustin shoves him back. "I need it." Nell resists the urge to laugh that's bubbling up. Steve rolls his eyes. "For what?"

"Eddie's friends phone numbers."

"Oh your older friend who's cooler than me because he plays that nerdy game?" His tone is slightly jealous, and Nell can't help but let a giggle slip.

"Yes. What? I never said that!"

Nell rolls her eyes, grinning at her friends. "Hey kids! Yes Steve, I'm mainly talking to you. Stop fighting because we're wasting time." Steve shakes his head while Nell sits up on the counter.

"Why does he want to find that freak anyways?"

Nell gives him a look. "He's not a freak, Steve." Steve shrugs. "I mean, he probably killed Chrissy Cunningham." She groans. "Steven, you close-minded thing."

"Did you just call me a thing?"

"Bet your ass I did."

Nell shoves his shoulder. "So what, because he dresses differently he's a freak? Dustin likes Dungeons and Dragons, does that make him a freak?" Dustin looks between the two. "Yeah no, don't drag me into this."

𝐥𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬‚ 𝘦𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘰𝘯Where stories live. Discover now