Chapter 15: Laress, Again

Start from the beginning

I look up to see one person not stressed, not running, not even blinking, "Agora! Help them!"

Her beautiful red hair moves as she looks at me which such guilt that I could feel the regret from across the depth between us, "I'm sorry. I was protecting my mate."

She moves her hands purposely building what seemed to be a ball of air around herself moving herself from the room and through the door shooting back the way that we had come. The one person who might have been able to help us, ditched us. A fucking erio.

"Why can't we get through the barrier?" Srogray yells venomously throwing his fist watching it move like a pebble has been dropped in water, but still not breaking.

We tried and tried until every last person fell, watching them accept their defeat as Srogray and I stay perfectly safe on this side. A single tear slides down my face watching and waiting for something good to happen. Why can anything goodhappen?

"I am going to kill you." I growl standing up, the water in my body surfacing as it moves through me towards my hands forming balls of hard water. The water creeps up my blade becoming another weapon of itself waiting for something to attack.

"You are going to listen first, or your precious mate is going to die."

And then he enters. Tall, thin, pale as the full moon, staring, like a cobra seeking its prey, is the King we are searching for. With wide eyes black as inky pools, dark shadows under sunken eyes, and hardened features you would think he was just another Laressian soldier. It is the slicked back hair, deep shadows under protruding cheek bones, the unnerving evil glint in the eyes, or the slow movements as if he has no bones at all- slinking, oozing around the room. We watch him enter from an unknown passageway just as he turns on the charm, bright false smile, and suddenly friendly.

The biggest thing I noticed is the deep yellow hair making him look like a snake ready to strike. Ready at any moment to take a chunk out of you and eat you alive.

"Hello Redux." My voice is powerful as I circle my blade in a threatening motion letting the water slick off the edge of the sword.

"Such a stunning sight to see. My daughter wielding a blade of water, something so pitiful compared to her real power?"

Neither Srogray nor I respond we just watch, staying on the defensive.

"Right!" He claps his hands and looks around, "Okay, now time for the fun. Camden!"

The wall opens up and out walks Camden with Damien in tow, his head raised high next to his father. That bastard.

"I typically wait to introduce my power chips, but right now seemed like the best moment. Especially for the princess herself."

I'm not your princess, I want to scream, but he continues looking back at the men that entered. Camden smirks at me, Damien looking me over in my new armor. It holds tight against my skin, the new boot blade digging into the base of my foot as a reminder. Camden ignores him and lifts a tattered journal with burnt edges, "Didn't even bother to go retrieve this? Shows how intelligent you are."

He throws the journal at me, my emotions rolling through my body. My father. This journal, something that I believed was burned with him, now lays in my hands and I had chosen to ignore it, to avoid even attempting to find it. Such a daughter I am, especially when I open the cover to see a note written to me in his beautiful handwriting.

Dear adopted daughter,

My love for you has grown every day since I found you at the barrier between the two kingdoms. I can say for certain that I know and consider you mine. Your mother told me to never tell you the truth, her heart aching to cherish a daughter, but I felt it best to be told or at least written down so it would get off my old measly heart.

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