Chapter 10: Burn Ointment

Start from the beginning

"What do you know?"

"Nothing beyond the fact that Krysian and you have some indescribable abilities, some showing with fire that almost burns their mate alive."

I attempt to get more information, but he vanishes reappearing next to the doorway. Alie can be heard calling out to someone outside of the tent. "The Trune will be in Gunda at high noon tomorrow. Don't be late. Keep her healthily, she is our only hope. Consider this my one and only gift to you."

Stout runs away leaving my hand dangling in the air. If I could pull the air between us closer and speak to him a moment more, if would, but that isn't how this works. And for once, the evil fox looked afraid, not of me, of what is to come.

A few more minutes pass as I lay stand next to Krysian watching her skin continue to lay over the old and heal on the edges of her face.

"Alright!" A voice I don't recognize yells. I swivel around, my blade moving in the direction of the noise stopping just below their chin. A red haired, freckled face man meets my eye and I twist my head to the left in alarm waiting for him to attack.

"He-Hey!" The man waves his hand lightly and swallows his adams apple touching the tip of my blade and then moving back down, "My name is Frank, I'm Daniel's mate."

"Hey babe- What the hell Prince Damien get the stars away from him with that!" I hear Daniel screech and his heavy footsteps carry through the room towards me. I turn to defend myself. Frank moves forward snapping my arm up and catching the sword as I throw it into the air turning it back towards me. I raise my hands in alarm.

"What in the...?" I mutter and hold my hand out, Frank hands me back my sword with a smirk.

"Before I became a healer I worked as a blacksmith." Frank answers and I look over him. His rough build and strong muscles show through his black leathers, he stands as tall as me and the only thing taking away from his killer look is the large grin that graces his face. In comparison to Daniel's lean figure, I could possibly say they are exact opposites.

"You just became a healer?" I question and Frank moves to Krysian going to her feet grabbing her ankles lightly while Daniel moves once again to her hand laying his hands on her temples.

He never answers me putting me at the back of his mine. Frank begins to chant with Daniel as the two slowly start to walk around Krysian and leave a light green glow over her skin.

Frank stops at her temples and Daniel stops at her feet. With a large clap, the two back away quickly and the blue light that started to emanate from here shrinks back into her skin completely disappearing from view.

"What was that?" My voice is the first thing to break the silence that seemed to lay over the room. All three of us watch her, the results unexpected.

"I have no idea, but she should be okay. Give her a few minutes to wake up, she has been through a lot of traumas and her mind needs times to catch up." Frank answers for the both of them.

Krysian Yelt Point of View

My toes start to tingle before I regain feeling in any parts of my body. The vague voices that carry through the room seem to be distant echoes in the back of my mind, but I am unable to pinpoint where or who they are coming from. My leg shifts quickly, straight into the air, the first sign of control regained.

"Damn!" I hear an unrecognizable voice yell through the room. I try to match it to someone that I know, but I can't. Where am I?

My body starts to wake up, me forcing my eyes open to the rather dark room around me. This leaves me more confused than before. Last I remember I was in a field being burned alive.

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