Chapter 9: War Travels

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Prince, now what is our course of action?" I retort, triple checking that my sword is still in place latched on the side of the dragon.

"You have to find the Trune." Jonvi speaks up and Damien can be seen sucking in a breath. He leans against his dragon, Gregnan sniffing his hair.

"What?" I hiss and Jonvi raises his hands.

"The Trune is the sleeping leader of the dragons, but in contrast to him name he never sleeps. No one knows where he is ever, but we have to find to him so he can bestow the royal abilities on the dragons, that will not only help you fight Laress, but take back the castle itself."

"How are we supposed to find something if we don't know where it has been or where it might be?" I snap and Damien looks up at me, an idea finally glowing behind those eyes.

"What if we find out where he is going to be?"

"Nice try dumbass, did you just hear me? How would be do that?" Damien pats the air in my direction trying to wave me off.

"Stout, the fox from Craghorn, he spoke to me about knowing what was going to happen. Maybe he is able to pinpoint the future location of the Trune." Okay so maybe this isn't a bad idea.

I still have my doubts, "Wouldn't a leader of dragons know about the foxes and be able to avoid them? And even if it did work two dragons against an army, even with royal abilities would be almost suicide."

Jonvi pipes in with a smile on his face, "I believe that we have a favor from Srogray Adara that we need to call in."

"What favor?" I sit confused on the top of my dragon as Jonvi and Damien lock eyes and grin.

Damien pats him on the back and looks up to me, "A long story, but a good plan. The Stellars won't be able to refuse, but Jonvi why don't you ride with us? Is Gregnan up for battle?"

"He will be ready. I will join the fight a little later, now go to Craghorn, you only have so much time before they start to take over the cities."

Both of the monsters get a running start and launch off into the sky leaving a light dust bowl as we fly. I turn to wave goodbye to Jonvi, noticing a small group of men in Laress uniforms heading down the slope. I scream at the top of my lung, Jonvi turning a moment too late.

The last thing I see before the tears take over my vision is a Laressian blade going through Jonvi's heart the warriors leaving him to die on the ground. Gregnan busts through the stables, ripping through the men, but the Laress soldiers toss him into the bushes ganging on the dragon.

Watching his death, I try not to let Asia feel my sobs, or let Damien see me cry. He didn't see what happen, he didn't see the men leave him to die. Lowering my head trying to wrap my mind around what happens, I notice a light blue tone on my skin slowly disappear, but I ignore it. Nothing to be worried about. I can't do anything about it.

Are you alright little one?

Asia, I... are we planning to stop?

If you need rest then yes, we can stop. I believe Hound and I need the sleep as well. Even just an hour will help. However, we must be mindful of the Laress forces.

Speaking of Hound, what is going between the two of you?

If we can't speak about you and Damien, then we will not speak about Hound and me.

Alright you have a point, keep your secrets.

The connection is cut, the wind rolling over my face as the tears slowly stream down drying just as it reaches the end of my nose. Emotions flow through me and even though I only knew him for two days it still hurts to lose someone, someone you thought was becoming important in your life.

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