Chapter 7: Enchanted Falls

Start from the beginning

The scrawny teenager scurried through the walkways making it hard to keep us as I follow him to the beautiful castle and in through a side door. Each twist and turn gave me a headache, but I continued on hoping that maybe, just maybe, we were close.

I was very wrong.

As we walk, I take the time to examine the walls. Each are lined with painting after painting of the royal couples. Many of the portraits are before my time, only the two most recent generations being recognizable. I take a mental note of Jonvi and his beautiful mate lining the wall as well. Her smile is contagious, a sunflower in her hair while the photo was painted. Jonvi genuinely smiles ear to ear his arm wrapped around her to hold her close.

The servant led me away, his tongue clicking when I took too long, "Ms. I don't mean to push, but I have things to do."

I give him a look, one that he rolls his eyes to. We continue walking through the castle stairs coming into view.

After many curse words and a few breaks, we reached the top of the many steps that led to my room. Not being prepared to stop, I almost ran into the teenager as he stopped in front of a large white door.

The boy ran off before I could correct him about my room, this was not it, I did not have anything this nice. I was only expecting a cot and maybe a nice window, not a room the size of a Nothing's house.

"Uh... okay then."

Damien Blueblood Point of View

The nerves that crawled through my body did nothing to help my fast-beating heart as I lay sprawled across my bed, mark shown to the world. What is the point of hiding it? I found her. I kissed her. I lost her. The twenty-four hours were a test from the gods to see if I was worthy.

Ms. Dumark scampers into my room happy to see me, my leather jackets and pirate shirt thrown across the room.

"Oh my! Prince Blueblood what has come over you?!" She screeches and runs to the closet to grab me something to wear tonight knowing damn well I can do it myself.

"Why do you still visit me at night Ms. Dumark? Or even in the morning? You know I can dress myself." I groan into the pillow trying to keep my voice level. It is not fair for me to take out my frustrations on her, she is only doing what she is trained to do.

"I know you can dress yourself sir...I just wish to visit because you are rather lonely when you mope in here at night."

The sixty-year-old woman throws some soft shorts my direction for me to sleep in somehow knowing I wouldn't want to cover my mark tonight.

I walk to the changing room and slip into them dropping my dirty pants and leather garments into the large bucket that Ms. Dumark has sat out for me.

"I do not mope Ms. Dumark, I simply realize things about my life that are rather depressing."

Without asking, the older woman sits down on my bed patting next to her. I haven't seen this side of her in while, the last in my teens when I couldn't keep myself together hormonally. I plop next to her laying on my back.

"Jonvi spoke to me about how you got jumped over your trip, any injuries I should know about?"

"No, both Krys and I handled them easily. They only had the element of surprise."

"Krys, that's her name. Is she alright?"

"She's completely fine, can handle her own rather well. We are both alive and happy." My voice started to tapper at the end, I am by no means happy.

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