Chapter 4: Gold Teeth

Start from the beginning

We exit to the dirt path moving through the market, Krys seems ready to puke up her guts, taking deep breaths to focus. She shoves the teeth in her pocket looking around the space.

"Let's grab a bite. My treat." I call out to her when she starts walking towards the center of the booths.

She doesn't turn back but gives a thumbs up changing course for the food booths.

Krysian Yelt Point of View

My mind and mouth are not working. No matter what I try to say the words won't develop. I must look like a fish out of water with the way I continually open my mouth to say something and then shut it again.

I've never been kissed like that. Every single fiber in my body had wanted to continue kissing him until all he thought about was me. It seemed different for Pry though. He just walked back to his seat completely unaffected something that bothered me more than it should.

Stop thinking like this, I can't like him.

I lead Pry to a local food stand, and he moves in front of me holding out his coin for me to order.

"Um... I'll just have the fried squash with rice." I tell the older gentlemen running the booth. He nods dropping the slices of squash into the warm oil after battering them in a stone bowl.

"For you?" The old man grunted out looking at Pry who kept a bored face.

"I'll have the squirrel dumplings." The vendor shakes his head turning the pot he has over the fire. Pry drops coin onto the table, both of us leaving the vendor to take a seat at a nearby table.

"You did good back there. Sorry it had to get awkward." He looks directly in my eyes, and I fight to keep his gaze. I can't take this- this feeling. My whole body wants to jump across the table into his arms. What is this?

My tongue finally moves to create words, "Yeah go us!"

Go us? I sound like I'm on drugs.

A light chuckle leaves Pry. My response somewhat humorous. Pry opens his mouth in an attempt to speak but is interrupted by two plates slamming on the table by the stoic old vendor.

The rest of the meal is spent in silence. We shovel down the rations the man o so nicely sat down on our table. My clothing doesn't give away the coin in my pouch, but the way that Pry chose to dress does. His nice fabrics and well cared for hair give him away to every vendor. The old man's frustration probably stems from the lack of money spent on our part.

After both are plates are clear Pry moves to toss them back at the vendor, then give me his full attention "What's next in our race against the clock?"

"You would know if you actually memorized what we needed."

"Why would I do that when I have a beautiful woman to do it for me?"

"Well why don't you shove that plastic plate so far up your-" He grunts stopping me from finishing my empty threat.

"Calm down fire breather we need to find these ingredients and you complaining about my ignorance only going to waste more of our precious time.... so please, forget about my comment, what's the next item." Pry's voice is barely above a whisper. He moves closer to me, my heart racing. Muscles lock as Pry gets close to me, his hand reaching around me to grab the slip of paper out of my back pocket.

I regain the ability to move, slapping his hand before he can touch my ass.

"Okay so after that crap shoot, we have the gold teeth. Now all we need is baby tears, snake eyes, and two saddles." I grit my teeth and shove the paper back where it belongs and let my eyes wander the market around me. Pry backs up once again his audible sigh moving between us.

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