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Reaching one final time, you reached the "top"—or at least the point Aether said you needed to get to.

You were so sore you couldn't even sit up, collapsing on the grass. You didn't want to move your arms or legs or anything but relented knowing Aether would be right behind you, and you didn't want to block him from topping out with your limp body.

Lying on your back, you looked to your right, seeing Paimon leaned up against the rocks. "I wish I could float like you," you said. "I don't think I'll be able to stand without feeling like I'll topple right over."

"You have no idea how much energy it takes to stay up in the air..." she mumbled. Which you could guess was a lot, considering how Paimon was sat on the ground. Seems she had worked her mysterious abilities to their max extent.

You looked in front, lifting up your head slightly to see Aether's blond head peek from over the edge. He pushed his arms up to make the final stretch, an action you cringed at thinking about how your arms felt like they were about to fall off. You watched as he stood without catching his breath and stretched his back by reaching his arms up. If you had the energy, you would've gotten excited seeing him do one of his idle actions.

"Let's continue forward. That path there clearly leads to something, hopefully it's that adeptus—Cloud Retainer or whatever that other adeptus called them," he said. But his words fell on deaf ears. Neither you nor Paimon acknowledged him. Sighing, he approached Paimon first, nudging her with his foot. "Come on. Let's get this over with. Then I'll make us some food."

The mention of food energized Paimon enough to get her back on her feet—or back in the air since she didn't exactly stand. Crossing her arms, she demanded, "Paimon wants sticky honey roast. She won't accept anything else."

You guessed you were next to convince, meeting eyes with Aether as he approached you. "If you can't stand, you can just wait here." Your expression hardened. He figured you out rather quickly. Though it didn't seem like he was finished speaking, a slight yet cheeky smile gracing his lips. "Or if you want to come, I can carry you."

The shock of the suggestion had jolted you upright. You stared at him, eyes wide in disbelief. Sure, the game version of the traveler had a bold side to him, but the Aether you experienced was certainly not the type to tease.

"Wow, look at that glare," he commented. "Does that mean you're fine with walking all on your own?"

With a huff, you pushed yourself to a standing position. Was he taking a page out of Kaeya or Lisa's book? You wondered about his seemingly abrupt sense of humor. Or maybe it just hadn't clicked for you yet—you and Aether were close enough to joke. You didn't have many friends in your former reality so perhaps that's why you were taken so off guard, even if friendship was something you wanted out of Aether. You hadn't expected him to make the first push.

"You're not going to fall over, right?" he asked you.

No," you replied, stretching your back in a similar fashion to Aether. "How are you so unaffected?"

"I guess I'm better at hiding it."

"Why hide?"

He stared at you for a moment. Then, without answering, he turned forward and started walking. You shared a look with Paimon. Perhaps there was a level of closeness you still hadn't reached yet. You smirked, catching up to Aether. Was it trust? Or vulnerability? Whatever it was, you were hopeful regardless. Because if serious, straight-forward Aether was able to joke with you, he'd eventually share his other sides, right?

Through a stone path, across a wooden drawbridge, and over a thankfully short boulder, you, Aether, and Paimon finally reached the summit of Mt. Aocang. You recalled this point in the quest. The stone table in the center of the lake caught your eye first.

ON THE OTHER SIDE | AETHERWhere stories live. Discover now