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You couldn't sleep.

You didn't know how long you had been laying in the bed with yours eyes closed, wishing that you'd just slip into unconsciousness and wake up the next morning so you could get out of this room. You didn't have any trouble falling asleep in the infirmary, why was tonight different?

Sitting up, you were careful not to wake Paimon who was, like you said she could, sleeping on your side of the bed. Some people may have found it irritating but you were just glad that there was something separating you and Aether, even if Paimon took up more space than she needed. Aether slept with his back turned. Even in unconsciousness he wanted you to be aware that you weren't welcome.

You left the inn room, deciding to get some fresh air so you could get rid of the churning in your stomach. You also hoped that a late-night walk would lull you to sleep.

The Wangshu Inn was beautiful at night, just like in the game. The lights illuminated the marsh, creating a reach that you could probably see from any point in Liyue. You stood on the bridge, leaning on the railing, and staring into the river below. The water was dark, but you could still see the occasional fish pass downstream.

You felt sick. You really had hoped that this was all a bad dream. Genshin Impact was your escape from your pathetic reality, a reality that made you unsatisfied with life. In the game, you could be the traveler, going from place to place, meeting people who would like you no matter what you said or did. The fear you felt in your real life all dissipated when you played the game. There was nothing to be afraid of because none of it was real.

But you were scared now. Genshin Impact was reality, the things you said had importance. You shivered, thinking about all the characters you adored so dearly. They'd hate you, wouldn't they? Aether, who never had much to say in the game, was already warning you of how unwelcoming this new world was going to be. With his expressions and passive aggressive remarks, he reminded you that to everyone, you were nothing. You had no identity or purpose.

A chill ran through your body. Your mind immediately wandered to the vision in your pocket. You gripped the item, ready to take it out and see if it was reacting again.

"What are you doing out here?"

You jumped, whipping around, and clinging to the railing behind. You kept the vision in your pocket, feeling the dip in temperature settle.

Aether was standing on the bridge, in front of you. The hair he usually kept tied in a braid was let loose, an image you never would have imagined you'd be able see. His golden eyes glistened in the night, lit up by the moon's shine. He stood up straight with an expression you couldn't read. It wasn't the dry face he usually carried, or the one that seemed to be holding back a scowl.

"I couldn't sleep," you responded.

"You should have stayed in Mondstadt then." Your brows lowered. You didn't expect him to be so blunt.

Something in you didn't want to back down and let him talk to you like that. Perhaps you were trying to make up for the fact that you always held yourself back to avoid confrontation. Perhaps you were still under the illusion that nothing you said mattered.

"Just because I'm not of any use to you doesn't mean I deserve to be disrespected." You didn't regret saying the words that had been waiting to get off your chest. You meant them wholeheartedly.

Aether seemed a bit taken off guard. You caught his eyes widening slightly but he quickly returned his expression to a more muted one. "When have I ever disrespected you?" he asked.

Your lip twitched, you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. "Are you kidding?" Aether started to answer but you continued regardless. "You treat me like a burden. Everything I do seems to annoy you."

Aether's shoulders sank, a sigh escaping his mouth. "You don't talk. You don't fight. You don't offer to help with anything." His eyes flashed to you, forcing a gulp down your throat. "How am I supposed to not see you as a burden when you act exactly like one?"

All your thoughts came to a halt, as if Aether's reasoning had pressed the brakes on the frustration building inside you. You took in a deep breath. There was an important skill you had learned from fearing social interaction. Compromise. To avoid confrontation, and to avoid the eventual embarrassment, you accommodated to their perspectives.

"Then," you pondered, "how can I be of use?" You would have helped if he asked. But you were realizing now that you weren't putting in the same effort you were expecting of Aether. So, if you wanted Aether to change how he saw you, you'd have to give him a reason to.

Aether's eyes wandered, he put his hand up to his chin, thinking. "I have an idea," he said. "I'll tell you about it tomorrow morning." He turned back to the Wangshu Inn. "Let's go back to the room and get some sleep. We'll need it to get to Liyue Harbor."

You caught a smile forming on your face. Seeing Aether's back used to make you wary and unwelcome, but this time it didn't feel like that. You followed behind him with a feeling of satisfaction, looking forward to changes in Aether's attitude toward you.

His eyes reeled back to you, the smile that had appeared quickly disappearing. His brows lowered, pulling his arm to scratch his neck. You hadn't seen this expression before. It was almost apologetic. "I said that you should have stayed in Mondstadt not because I was trying to be mean, but because I thought you might still be injured." Your lips parted, a noticeable heat flaring in your cheeks. "Overexertion is bad for your wounds, even if Barbara healed you using her vision. If you felt unwell, you shouldn't have forced yourself to come."

"I feel fine," you blurted out, hoping Aether wouldn't notice the change of color in your cheeks. "I'm just restless, I think."

"Right. You must have gotten a lot of sleep yesterday," he said. "Still, you should at least try. The journey won't be as long tomorrow but travelling without sleep is risky regardless of distance." Aether continued on about how your reaction time would be slowed and how you'd have to take more breaks.

You walked by his side back to the room, nodding to each of his concerns. Your first impression was that he didn't have a lot to say. But perhaps he had been holding everything in for the sake of trying not to bother you. Even if it was a bold assumption, you'd like that to be the case. Because you hoped that there was more nuance to his silence.


A/N: Omg story development??? This was both a painful and extremely fun chapter to write. Conversations where characters develop and communicate are some of the hardest but also the most rewarding to finish. For a while, I stared at my computer screen unsure of where to take the conversation but then one afternoon, I had a eureka moment and understood how to complete it.

Now that five chapters have been published, I'm going to commit to an updating schedule which will be every Monday and Thursday, expect updates then unless I say that it'll be delayed :)

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