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"Ahh, how are you, Fratello ?" Gregorio asked once he walked into the dimly lit office. girls danced around half naked, catering to their clients. Behind a large mahogany table, sat a tall man with long brown hair which was tied into a ponytail. A smirk graced his lips as he locked eyes with Gregorio." What brings you here at this time ?" The man asked getting up from his seat. "è a causa di quel bambino, Julian".

"Si and I also want to get my club running again". Gregorio said walking toward him and taking a seat on a chair opposite the man. "I thought that you'd never mention the club. what about entertainers?" he asked lifting a brow in question. Gregorio let out a sigh and gently leaned back into the chair. "I guess you'll just have to wait and see . I have a plan for this all and hopefully Flaviano gets his act together and runs this shit properly ."

"I guess that's all it's gonna take but have you ever thought about the other job? you can always import the girls. Although they might be pricy, they'll be worth a lot more once they get here and begin working for you". The man smiled softly. His dark eyes shone evilly. "About the Yakuza, what do you think we should do about them? I think I might have to kill that kid before things get out of hand ". Gregorio grumbled out in annoyance.

"Do you want me to take care of it for you, seeing as you're a busy man with many things to do . Surely you don't want to get your hands dirty at this point". The man smiled as he untied his ponytail and retied his thick hair after running his long fingers through the strands.

"you're just as devious as me, do what you must and cut any loose ends ." Gregorio said calmly and then continued " what's the catch ?"

"Well...I want nothing in particular, let's just say this is a favour that I would like for you to return whenever I need you to."

"Very well, whatever you say Marcello ." This caused Marcello to smile looking at his friend. "Then we have ourselves a deal ." he stood walking over to Gregorio and shaking his hand ." come, Mama is waiting". he said walking out with Gregorio and his men following closely behind.


Later on that evening, the two friends sat across from their mothers at a French restaurant deep in the city. Posh cars were parked outside the building and the people held prestige titles. As the chatter went on the two men sat with stoic expressions on their faces, more Marcello than Gregorio. "Talia really tried it this time, acting as if she was made of money ". Gregorio's mother said, "yes well I mean she is married to a millionaire after all ". Marcello's mother commented.

"Gold digging can only get you so far ". Marcello's mother continued with a small laugh. That's all they did during brunches and dinners, Of course, they did have occupations and hobbies but more times than not they seemed more like housewives with all the drama. Just then Marcello's phone rang and he glanced at the two older women who now looked at him. " is it that Sasha woman ?" His mother asked, a scoff leaving her lips once he nodded."

"Quanto fastidioso." Gregorio's mother said sipping from her wine glass. (how bothersome)

"Excuse me ." Marcello stood and wet right out of the restaurant where he could quietly speak on the phone. Gregorio sat silently , "quindi figlio , hai trovato una ragazza che vorresti marrquindi figlio, hai trovato una ragazza che vorresti sposare". His mother asked after finishing her pasta. (so son have you found a girl you'd like to marry?)

A sigh left his lips and he gently put down his fork, "no Mother I have not ". he answered prepared for the list of names she was about to give. Just then Marcello returned and deep down they both knew that the afternoon would be a long and tedious one.


"Can you please sit still . For once Flaviano, Fucking do this shit right . if this club ends up like the last one that'll be your ass ". He threatened looking at his younger brother seriously. "Oh wow, we haven't even been sitting here for 30 minutes and you're already threatening me ." Flaviano chuckled.

"Whatever, kindly get your ass out of my office I have shit to do ".Gregorio waved him off and went back to typing on his computer.

"First the threats and now insults, you wound me brother . I might as well just leave I have a date tonight". Gregorio looked up and sighed "you're acting like I asked . just get out, I hope you contract an STI ". he finished.

Flaviano laughed on his way out of the office. He knew deep down that Gregorio was being serious about what he said. All he wanted was to have a little more fun, Just until he could get her out of his mind. Gregorio's mind went a mile a minute , he had a lot going on. Hopefully he found dancers for his club and Flaviano could manage the club without messing things up.

all he had to do now was look for names . The old club would start afresh. He would get rid of old baggage including Julian .

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