Hiding from the wolves

Start from the beginning

Morgan and Liam both turned to look at me and my two new companions. Alex leaned down and whispered, "Hello little bird", he smelled so good, a perfume I couldn't place, but I couldn't help inhaling it in because he was so close. "Hi" I whispered back as he smiled at me and looked into my eyes.

"You like beer pong?" asked Zane watching me intently "I didn't even know what it was until a few minutes ago" I stated as I tried to not be flustered as they both started at me intently. I peered over at Wolf who was still hanging over at the corner as he glared in our direction. He looked angry as if we had angered him in some way.

"Y a este que le pasa?" I whispered to myself in Spanish. Sometimes when I was confused or upset the Spanish would filter into my words. "What was that little bird" whispered Alex in my ear, making me jump as I did not feel him get so close. "Um nothing" I murmured. He smiled at me as he looked in Wolfe's direction and grinned.

I also realized that I was basically sandwiched between Alex and Zane as they were both looking down at me now. "Why don't we step outside so we can chat for a bit" Alex said in my ear giving me goosebumps.

"Have you met Morgan and Liam?" I said loudly over the music, as i pointed out Morgan and Liam who both looked equally shocked, I am not sure if they are shocked that i yelled or that i am introducing them to Zane and Alex.

Zane and Alex both nodded at Morgan and Liam as they waved back in response. I went over to Morgan and leaned into her ear and said "we are just going to get some fresh air for a few minutes, i will be right back" she nodded and grinned. Her grin reminded me of the cat from Alice and wonderland and i am not sure why but i felt there was more behind it. I will ask her about it later.

As i started to head to the door i felt Alex's hand on my lower back as if he was leading me towards the door while Zane walked on my right, Alex stayed on my left and I could not help feeling both intimidated and...Protected at the same time. I have never been so confused in my life.

As we neared the door i could feel eyes on me and looked on my left to see Wolf was starring at me. No not starring, glaring. I smiled in an attempt to appease him but he frowned so i looked away. As Zane opened the front door and motioned for me to pass, Alex leaned down and whispered "Don't worry about Wolf, he doesn't like people in general, especially new little girls like you" "I am not a little girl" I responded little annoyed by his assumption. "Of course not little bird" he chuckled and to my utter surprise he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

As he pulled back and smirked at my shocked expression, i looked around and noticed we were being watched, a lot of people were starring but as soon as Alex turned to see what i was looking at they looked away. My cheeks felt hot, for as long as i can remember i have hated being the center of attention. It makes me squirm nd my palms begin to sweat as i grab on to the hem of my dress and look down. Alex and Zane must sense my unease because they lead me to the back of the house to what looks like a small garage that is not attached to the house.

"Yo" yells Zane at the closed garage door and as it opens I am shocked yet again at the person who opens the door. "Bane, what are you doing here?" I ask. I have not seen bane since we bumped into each other earlier today. He grinned down at me and said "What a beautiful surprise, hello angel" . I felt my cheeks heat up again as I smiled up at my giant new friend.

"Hi" I squeaked out sounding like a chipmunk. Bane grinned at me. "You two know each other?" Asked Zane. Bane held my gaze as he answered "This is my angel that I told you I bumped into earlier today". Hearing him say I was his "angle" made my nipples harden and created an uncomfortable throb between my legs. Being surrounded by these guys was intimidating as hell and kind of scary. I should not feel this safe with all of these unknown guys.

They must have sensed my discomfort because Bane stopped smiling and had a confused look on his face while Alex and Zane looked at each other and then back at me. "I'm part of the Wolves, my angel and that's why I am here, I'm curious as to why you are here?" Bane questioned as Alex and Zane continued to stare at me.

"I just bumped into these guys but my friends are actually waiting so I should go.." I stated as I started walking backwards out of the garage and towards the house but as I turned to flee I ran into a hard chest as two strong arms came up around my waist to avoid me falling backwards.

"You just cant seem to stay away can you little one?" wolf stated in a husky tone, as he glared down at me, just like he had back inside the house, I felt captivated by his stare and all I could whisper was "Oh" as I felt flustered.

"Sorry" I whispered and wasn't sure if they heard me, as I pulled back Wolf dropped his arm but there was something in his eyes as he did was it...reluctance? I was not going to stay and find out. These feelings were starting to scare me, I just met these guys and they are strangers. I should feel nothing but mistrust of what these strange men can do to me.

"Good night" I whispered as I turned and all but ran back into to house. "Angel" I heard Bane call while wolf also called out "Little one come back!", I broke into a small sprint and went back into the house where I found Morgan and Liam where we had left them around the beer pong table.

Morgan threw her arms around me and shouted "Thank god!" Into my ear. "You okay?" Liam asked as he stood in front of me. "I'm fine" I replied little confused as to why they were so worried. "We went outside and couldn't find you" Morgan said close to my ear so I would hear her over the music. "Oh we were in the garage" I replied and Liam frowned. "Did they try to do something to you?" he asked looking upset. "NO!" I replied they were umm nice, I bumped into them upstairs and they had not see me before so they wanted to meet me" I replied and then released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"They never interact with anyone outside from their group and teachers so why did they take an interest in you?" Morgan stated a bit bewildered. I shrugged and said "Forget about it, I'm sure it was a one time thing and by now they probably forgot my name" She looked a little skeptical but dropped the subject. "You ready to get out of here?" She asked and smiled when I nodded Liam grabbed her hand and she took mine as we walked through the dancing crowd that had gotten a lot bigger since we arrived.

When we stepped outside I took a breath of fresh air and as I thought about those guys I could not help the rush that went through my body and I felt wetness between my legs. As we started to walk away I turned and was shocked to see Wolf standing by the garage starring right at me as if he had been watching me all this time, Bane stepped in behind him and offered me a smile, I looked away, making the determination to stay away from those guys, I couldn't help the desire that came with the dreadful feeling that this was just the beginning...

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