Chapter 25: The Fire Days Festival

Start from the beginning

Aang read it out loud:

"Wanted, by order of the Fire Lord: Jeong Jeong, former Admiral in the Fire Armada. He is a deserter, traitor, and coward. He is 61 years old with white-hair. Although he has taken the most wretched path of pacifism, he is a master firebender and should be approached with extreme caution."

"He's one of the most legendary firebenders," said Chiara.

"So there's a firebender out here who's not with the Fire Lord?" he asked excitedly.

She nodded.

"Do you know him?" he asked her.

"I met him years ago. He came to understand the destruction the Fire Nation was causing and he deserted the military for which I always admired him."

"Do you think he'll teach me?" he asked, his eyes wide with hope.

"He might once you master the other elements, but I imagine he'll be able to give you some insight and advice for now."

"I think we should find him," he said full of excitement.

"Keep in mind he's very strict," she warned. "He puts a lot of emphasis on discipline. He sees fire as destructive, which it can be if one isn't disciplined enough to control it. Fire is a powerful element, but it can also be life."

"How will we find him?" asked Katara.

"Good question," said Chiara. "He moves a lot so as not to be found by the Fire Nation."

"We can start at the Fire Days Festival," suggested Aang.

"I doubt a deserter hiding from the Fire Nation is going to be at a festival," said Sokka.

"I guess we could go check it out anyways," said Katara.

"What?" he said stomping over to her. "You want to walk into a Fire Nation town where they're all fired up with"

"We'll wear disguises, and if it looks like trouble, we'll leave," said Katara walking towards Appa while Aang happily dashed after her.

"Yeah, because we always leave before we get into trouble," said Sokka sarcastically.

"They have food at the festival," said Chiara still staring at the board.

"Well...maybe we could check it out," he said as he turned to follow Aang and Katara.

Chiara quickly ripped down the Blue Spirit wanted poster along with another deserter's poster and rolled them up together with Jeong Jeong's. Then she followed the others as they walked towards the town.

"You guys stay out of sight here while we go to the festival," said Aang to Appa and Momo.

Momo dove into a bush while Appa lay down behind it.

Chiara was laughing at Appa's huge form still completely in view. "You're so adorable, Appa."

"Ready disguises," said Aang.

Sokka and Katara put on cloaks pulling their hoods up over their heads while Aang pulled his shawl over his head.

"It's like you're a whole different person," said Sokka sarcastically.

"Everyone'll be wearing masks," said Chiara. "They give them out for free."

"Well, that's convenient," said Sokka.

"Let's go," said Aang.

It was dark by the time they arrived in the town.

"Get your genuine Fire Festival mask here!" called a merchant.

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