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Dr Feet Falcon Flaps is going through a bit of an #emotransformation, so his name will be changing a lot throughout this story. Its all apart of the emo grind, you guys cant judge him. (Everyone else is the same though)


After the quick and #effortless wedding, Flip flop (my hubby) and I made our way to Hell's palace, where my dads are waiting for me.

"Enter." My dad spoke from the hallways, me and FLip flop walked in, to find my dad Gean Lisa and my step dad Speedo Smurfette. They cried tears of joy at my new transformation.

"You finally met your soulmate!! Congratulations, and what is his name?" Gean Lisa asked, grinning through the tears.

"His name is Flip Slop, and we just got married!!" I squealed, flashing my new vampire bat gemstone and pentagram bracelet and chain ring that was on my hand. They screamed in delight.

"Bravo!! A man of quality I see, do you plan on giving me and Gean Lisa grandbabies?" Speedo Smurfette grinned, tears of blood running down his face. I smilled devilishly at my hubby.

"Yes dad, we sure do." I smirked, and Flop Flip blushed rose crimson blood scarlett red.

"Well. Me and your dad are going on a sunny coastal beachy aesthetic holiday trip to heaven to see our old sugar baby God, you guys are in charge of the kingdom!" Speedo Smurfette smiled, and suddenly they vanished.

"Well well well.. looks like we have the throne room all to ourselves." I winked and Flappy flop grinned.

But before we could get funky there was a knock at the door.

"Cum in!" I yelled, winking at Flappy flip because of the special and subtle innuendo (13+ guys be careful)

Then suddenly, the doors crumbled into ashes and there beheld JOHNNOLINA!!!

I gasped and our gazes quickly zoned in on the 16 pound bowling ball which was her baby bump.

"Are you.. are you actually pregnant!?!?!?!" Flappy flab gawked and Johnnolina cried tears of blood.

"Yes... remember that time in the-the- the bowling alley..." She sobbed and I was gobsmacked.

She did it!! With my hubby!! IN a bowling alley!!!
I grew red and the obscenity of the situation.

"I do remember.. but Johnnolina, I'm married now. and im the prince of hell. I cant be with you no more." He sighed and I grinned at her.

Bowling ball baby or not, he's loyal to ME!!!!1!!11

"Well. Youre missing out, because this baaby's gonna be the most powerful emo ever, I can feel it in my uterus." Johnnolina proclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, but before i could kill her, she killed me!!!

We were blasted out of the throne room, and I clutched my dying Flabby bird to my chest.

"We will meet again.. i love yoou."

Then we died.


I drank the sacred vial of blood that was convieniently left on the floor at my feet in the tthronerroom, and I became the new leader of hell.

Smiling happily, I proceeded to give birth.

Holy blood streamed out of my knees as I bended over, and my  body erupted in the most holy of lights, thats when I knew..  i was right.

A baby girl popped out, and I cradled her to my chest.

My new baby girl, her name will be "Blair Bowling Ball Fire Elvira Jezebel Lennon Lilith Luna Hell Morrigan Nova Ophelia Blood Pandora Raven Samara Goth Scarlet Starr"

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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