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When I asked Rimuru about why he wanted to see me, His face was now serious it's the second time I saw him like that. The first one was when I tried to attack him. Well he beat me but it's the past now. I was again in the same room with his friend. This girl everytime I see her, I always ask myself if they are together. Of course because they both live together. Wait Live together ?

Rimuru: Velzard are you with me ?

Velzard: Y-y-yeah.

Rimuru: Alright.

I can't stop looking at him with those heterochromatic eyes he is truly handsome. He will be mine no matter what.

Now we started talking seriously and what he said to me was beyond everything I could understand.

Rimuru Pov

Rimuru: Shizue-san I will started with Velzard first because she need to go back to her country, before she faced a problem with a disturbing person.

Shizue: Ok.

Rimuru: you may not believe me but what I'm going to tell you is the plain truth.

Velzard: I am listen to you.

Rimuru: I am actually from the future.

Velzard: H-how is it possible?

Rimuru: In the past timeline I was reincarnated as a slime, I became friend with Veldora. But the main reason why I decided to go back in the past was to save Shizue.

Velzard: To save her ? But she is actually alive. Isn't it ?

Rimuru: In the Other Timeline. I wasn't to powerful to save Shizue. And I almost regret it all my life this is why I decided to save her by going back in the past.

Velzard: She is very important for you then if you decided to come back just to save her.

Rimuru: She is.

Rimuru: But Velzard the main problem is also you.

Velzard: Me ?

Rimuru: Yes. You see in the Eastern empire, where your sister is, She is actually controlled by the Emperor.

Velzard: It's not possible us True Dragons have [Mental attack Nullification]

Rimuru: You surely knew it better than me. When your brother met Rudra they both exchanged their US. Veldanava gained [Uriel: Lord of Vows] and Rudra gained [Justice King Michael]. Rudra US is the strongest among the Angelic US.

Velzard: Yes I know all that but is it possible to control Velgrynd?

Rimuru: [Justice King: Michael] has a subskill called [Regalia Dominion] which have the authority over all the Angelic skills. In the past timeline Tempest had a war and will certainly have a war against the empire to.

Velzard: No, so wait he is...

Rimuru: You figured it out Velzard didn't you ? With your [Patience King: Gabriel] you can be controlled to. It's an Angelic US and you don't evolve your UniqueS [Envy] yet aren't you ?

Velzard: How do you know about my US.

Rimuru: I am from the future I told you. But Velzard I can destroy the [control circuit] if you want.

Velzard. Do it please Rimuru.

Rimuru: Leave it to me.

Velzard Pov

I was controlled by Rudra? Well i will believe him because he know about my US and also about my hiding UniqueS [Envy]. Also he knows about the US that brother gave to Rudra. He, then started to walk towards me and he put his hand on my head and suddenly I feel a huge burst of power inside me.

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