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Haru looked away from him and shook her head, "I know that this may be hard for you but you've left me no choice, Haru." He stood from his seat. "You have been in the news too much for too many bad things that it has brought embarrassment to this agency."

"You still get money for it don't you?" She looked up at him. "All press is good press, right?" She tried to fight the tears from flooding her eyes. "Please, Petey. Please give me another chance?"

"I have given you too many chances to change, Haru. I have to do something about it. You have refused every type of help that I have offered. You don't go to therapy, you escaped rehab. You go to AA meetings but you don't take it seriously." He told her. 

"Petey, I cannot leave this place...This is my home." her voice cracked. 

CentiPeter pulled up his chair, sitting closer to her, "I know you miss your friend and Sir Night Eye. I know this place holds memories for you. The problem is, they are not here anymore and I cannot take care of you like they used to. You live in the past too much Haru and you need to learn to let go and move on."

Haru, even though she wanted to curse him out, stayed silent. She knew that CentiPeter and Sir Night eye were best friends, he felt the same pain that she did. She looked down at her white knuckles and nodded, "I'm sorry." She muttered in a whispery voice. 

"Me too, Haru." He returned to his desk to sit across from her, meeting her blue eyes. "Since you have such a history here at the Night Eye Agency, I have referred you to other agencies in Tokyo."

A glimmer of hope crossed her face and looked up at him, "One has decided to take you on and whip you back into shape."

"What agency?" She asked. 

"I was told not to tell you until the head of the agency is able to come meet you face to face."

"What? What do you mean? How long do I have to wait?" She asked. 

"I will let you stay here in one of our spare rooms until they are able to get here. Right now, they are on I-Island for an event. I will notify you when he returns but until then, come with me."

"No." She slowly stood from her chair and looked at her former boss. "I don't agree to this."

"Haru, its either this or get arrested for being a menace to society." he told her sternly.

She rolled her eyes and followed him, she should've known that there would be some sort of catch to this whole situation. She grabbed her bag and let him lead the way into a hallway where some vacant rooms were available. CentiPeter put in a few rooms for his employees who either worked too far from their homes or worked late. Whenever a worker was in a certain situation that called for them to stay the night, he accommodated them. 

He opened the door and let her in. The room looked like a hotel room, big bed, tv and bathroom. She set her bag down and sat at the edge of her new bed. "Thanks."

"Just stay out of trouble, okay."

"What should I do in the mean time?" She looked around. 

"It doesn't matter, the only thing I ask is to not drink in the building."

Haru nodded and CentiPeter closed the door behind him. Fired? She was fired from her job? She had disrespected the only place that gave her solace in this mindless world that she now lived in. What was she to do? Tears streamed down her face as she fell back onto the bed. Nothing was the same, absolutely nothing. She had lost everyone she cared about, the only thing that still stayed the same was the very building she was in. She sat up and rifled through her duffel bag to pull out a wrinkly envelope. It was filled with yellow post-it notes from her mentor Mirai Sasaki. 

She looked at them one by one, You forgot to eat, silly. I took it upon myself to make you some rice and boiled eggs! -Mirai.

She took a look at another, I haven't seen a smile from you today, turn the note over. She tuned over the note to see a poorly drawn cow with a cheese hat on it's head. Haru laughed at that one. 

I want you to do your best to beat our friend  in the lesson today. I have faith in you!

Hey, I heard about what happened last night, that idiot doesn't know what he is missing :)

Hey, I've noticed that you shiver after training, I bought you a nice warm blanket so you wont be so cold!

She clutched the notes to her chest as she cried. Why did he have to go?

Hey, Haru. I just want you to know how much I appreciate you being my assistant. I know you like pink roses. Have a wonderful day. ^^

One after another she read them, not even realizing how much she had cried. She kept every note, she kept alot of things for memory's sake. They were all she had now. 

Haru, I know why you've been so sad lately. I know our good friend left but you and I are still close friends. I will never abandon you. I am here for you.

She had forgotten that one, it had been so long since she had seen that particular note. She held her breath to keep from wailing like a child but it didn't do much. His words were still in her memory, his voice still clear like a song. She loved her mentor, she hoped that things would stay the same for the rest of her life but...that was just a fantasy wasn't it?

Why don't you and I hang out soon? Just like old times?  

I know its hard to forgive him for leaving but find it in your heart if you can to forgive him. He is still our friend. 

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