page#5 another one!?

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You close your eyes but you head footsteps coming towards you and you feel something climb onto the bed you slowly open your eyes to see that your are face to face with a wide mouth with rows of Sharpe pointed teeth frozen with fear to try to scream but nothing comes out you try to move but you can't your stuck there helpless watching your fate until the creature is quickly pulls back off of you off of the bed on the floor it's the cat he saved...your life? The creature you just had before dareing to take your life is seen to be a dog and cartoon like dog but managed and distorded your heart is racing the loudness of the barking combined with the hissing makes your head hurt your so overwhelmed with this sudden action.........

your back at home at the dinner table with your mother your father your sister and your grandmother your grandmother was the only bit a family you have left other than your immediate family you haven't seen her in years tho you look at all of them there looks right back at you they seem to be angry very angry before you could say anything your father stands up and walks behind you and places his hands on your shoulders "come home and be a good daughter" your father says with a cold and harsh tone "w what-" you mutter out before behind cut of by your mother "your braking my heart y/n be a good girl and come home for mama" she says a in cold and dead of feeling voice you look at her her expression is one of a person trying their hardest to seem sympathetic " I I'm trying-" you say before getting cut off again by your little sister "I I needed you that day b but you weren't there sissy be good and come home please" your sister says did it's no longer in her cheery and voice the more one of a soft and hurt one you can't say anything you just look at her with her once bright eyes where now dull and faded " you're stupid girl your mother promised me you were raised right but all you are is a good-for-nothing piece of meat why couldn't you just be good for my daughter and son in-law" you hear your grandmother say in a enraged but wispy voice she always was a very strict woman she would talk down to you like this all the time but the anger you can hear inside of her was nothing you have ever heard before large grins starts a on their faces no longer the death in silence appearances that they had you can look across the table and see the snicker of your mother you look to your right and see with a soft giggles of your little sister you look to your left and see the disapproving face of you now decaying grandmother you try to get up from the chair but you're locked in your heartbeat starts to race as frantically thrash around trying to break free you feel the rough hands of your father all the way from your shoulder you look at your mother with eyes pleading for help "be a good girl" that's the last thing you hear your Mother say before you feel rough and Jagged hands of your father wrapped around your neck squeezing Tighter and Tighter stopping the air traveling through slowly

you take your last breath you take a deep one

A slow one

Taking in the generous privilege you have been gifted

It's cold

It's refreshing

You close your heavy eyes

You can feel the blood leaving you

You can feel your thoughts fade away

You accept this fate And....

YOUR STILL TIED TO THE GODDAMN BED I mean here you are thinking it was all over it's done you found peace it felt so real you thought it was real you hoped it was real but no no no your still her in this place you found still tied to this dirty as bed you probably have fucking lice because of it "shit!" You mumble under your breath you look around trying to find something to escape with but you find nothing I mean this could be a fucking plot for an episode of Law & Order this isn't real it can't be real your dreaming your just dreaming its not fucking real you don't believe you bite your lip as hard as you could trying to wake yourself up but it doesn't work nothing works you you failed you just failed for real this time your stuck here with that thing forever you will be here until you die this is your hell

You can't move you can't run you can't hide

You can't move you can't run you can't hide

you can't move you can't run you can't hide

you can't move you can't run you can't hide

You thought to yourself over and over again what were you gonna do that thing is probably gonna kill you turned your head to the left more beds dirty beds cracked walls you notice neck to the bed the wall is cracked and there's a lose piece you try to get it out with your mangled nail wiggling and pulling you finally Get It Free from its prison you look at it you use the sharp end of it to Cut the Ropes freeing your hand you do the same thing to your other hand and feet maybe there's hope after all your legs feel like Jell-O from laying down for so long your arms are stiff and pulsing with pain you take a minute to stretch out getting your body used to moving again you stand up willed the piece of tile in your hand ready to reclaim your freedom and to dispose of that thing in your way.............your gonna be good and come home once and for all

To be continued

hello my love~ (Cartoon cat x fem Reader) (Discontinued)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang