page 3# its not a dream

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(Ya'll get pictures every three chapters ok also le art by meh)

6 Am

An 1 hour and 15 minutes before school

You slowly open your eyes from that long deep sleep you fell into you look around slowly getting adjusted the light pouring in your eyes you look around you're in your bed or so you thought you inspect the room closely it's dark there's no windows not even a door this isn't your home this is a store you look above you and see long lights above flickering off and on it wasn't a dream you're still in here with that ....thing you frantically try to get get out of the bed but you fall and realize your hands are tied behind your back you stand up and walk to the exit of the bed store and walking outside of it its very dim and dark and there was only a small a bit of light coming from the windows on the top of the building there was dirt everywhere and a very strong smell of rotting flesh  you slowly and carefully walked down the broken escalator and you are back in that food court 
You looked around cautiously awaiting for anything to happen nothing the exit was nowhere in sight you walked around the mall for hours looking for a way out as the hours with on the light started to fade until you couldn't see anything your hands are tied behind your back how do you gradually getting more and more exhausted the more you walked until you ended up back in the food court you walked in a circle "how big it this place" you thought to yourself sitting on one of the chairs trying to catch your breath as you sat there you heard a low growl come from behind you you froze in fear not knowing if you should run or except your fate the growls came closer until you could hear it right next to your ear and you could feel a hot breath on the back of your neck you shivered in fear not dareing to move a muscle the growling stopped and there was a long pause of silence you heard the sound of bite at that moment you quickly got up running as fast as you could jumping and dogging very thing that stranded in your way you new something was chasing you you heard the loud thumps of its feet you were so focused on getting out you did know were you you where going you cut your leg badly on an exposed piece of dry wall and it sent you hurtling towards the floor you hit your head hard on the tile floor while you were bleeding out from your leg how to get back up but you felt too large hands grip your legs tightly and start to drag you backwards you desperately. Your nails into the floor until they bled trying to resist the pull of that creature you let go from the pain and was dragged back into the creatures lair
As tears roll down your face and try get put of the creatures grip until you finally stopped You slowly raise your gaze to look at the creature in its full list black fur pure white eyes with a single black pupils dilated for the light gloved hands very gentle but very rough your eyes are fixated on it fascinated by every detail not noticing it looking straight at you you said yourself he lifted off the ground it's soft and gentle hands he got caught off guard when you suddenly found yourself pinned against the wall and this creature your eyes widen not looking away for a second in fear of what it's going to do you tense your body as the creature sniffs you getting it's so familiar to your scent

You try keep your composure in fear of the creature attacking you hear low growl from the creature you feel it's hot breath on your ear and then a low raspy whisper "why are you here..." you shake from fear not able to speak you hear a growl "Answer!" The creature said in anger you assume " I-I was l-lost!" You said with tears in your eyes not daring to open them you grind your teeth together waiting for what's next "heh just like the others" you hear the creature say with a chuckle "why don't we play a little game~" you hear him say you slowly open your eyes to look at him he is staring right though your soul not thinking twice you nod not knowing the consequences you hear it laugh a bit "great let's play a game of cat and mouse I'm the cat and your the mouse~"

Will you let the creature take you

Or will you fight for freedom



(Anyway sorry if this was a little short I've been procrastinating on this a lot so I decided to split it up into two parts maybe then I could come up with some new ideas anyway hope you have a nice day)

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