page 1# just one night~

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Your at home in your comfy bed with your plug in a fan propped up on a chair in front of your face while you were deep into a wonderful and magical sleep you had barely tossed and turned all night you had your headphones in listening to your favorite song it was quiet and peaceful night but you failed to hear the silent Creek of your bedroom door open and the pitter-patter of small feet walk towards your bed suddenly you fell a weight applied to your bed you slowly open your eyes to see h/c hair blowing in the wind of your fan slowly turn around and look to see who has approached you on your bed you slowly look up to see a plump small face with the rosy red cheeks and dark freckles and beautiful brown eyes look at you a gentle and soft smile it was your little sister s/n "can I sleep in your bed d dadd-" you quickly Cut Her Off in the middle of her speech and hugs her tightly " of course" you said your little sister smiled and lay beside you and the gets under the cover You Close Your Eyes and you both drift off to sleep again

7:38 am

Four minutes before class

10 minutes late for the bus

(You pov)

You wake up you didn't hear your alarm over the sounds of your parents fighting the cries of a little sister from the living room you quickly get up put on your clothes grab your bag and rush out the door you run to the living room to see once again like every morning your father yelling at your mother for no reason other than he felt like it and near the door you see a little sister her eyes are filled with tears she had pretty pink bows in her hair and was wearing her favorite dinosaur shirt with a pretty dark blue skirt under it and white stockings and she had her favorite Team Umizoomi book bag on you quickly and quietly sneaked past you're enraged father and enraged mother and pick up your little sister you quickly run out the door and run down the street to the school conveniently your sisters School is right next to it it was a little preschool outside you can see all the children playing singing and laughing and it made you smile it made you a little sister Smile as well so you quickly rush over to her school and walk her inside to her classroom after you quickly run out of the preschool and walk to your high school you Rush side you quickly rush to your classroom on the 4th floor and walk inside "10 minutes dammit" late you thought as you walked over to your seat at the back of the class and sat down the teacher glared at you with a sinister grin "your late y/n you know what that means" the teacher said while snickering  "ma'am please I had to get my little sister to school" you said in an annoyed tone you've heard the same thing over and over again every day since you started the school it even happened when you were in Middle School you had to get your little sister to daycare but the teacher would always get mad at you for being late  "I'll ask this for the thousandth time why don't your parents bring her to school"
She said you were so filled with rage but you knew you couldn't say anyting if they took you and your sister away from your parents Lord knows what could happen you just breathe a sigh " invalid..."
You said accepting your defeat
"Like I thought detention" you rolled your eyes while looking at the window over at your sister's School " I don't trust him or her picking her up I'll just have to call f/n again" you thought to your self as the teacher taught her lesson until she announced something that taught your attention "class you should know the final exams are coming up in two days" she said all of the students were disappointed they had hope they didn't have to do it this year because of covid but this hit you hard you had no time to study you would lose your job of you do and knew you had to babysit your little sister you have to risk losing your job and caring for your sister because your mother and father were leaving to California for the month or risk  getting into Harvard or any college for that your train of thought got cut off by the Bell you stood up and grabbed your stuff thinking about what you were gonna do as you went on to next period

(Time skip)

It was finally time to go home and feeling you hated with all of your body f/n had picked up your little sister and brought her home so you started to walk home lost in thought you didn't now were you were going until you looked up and saw that you were in the woods you and you were far away from the road you walked a cross on the path you thought would bring you home but all it leads you to is a abandoned mall you have never see this here before you your chaosity got the best of you so he's slowly walked towards the mall the letters on top of the malls were broken and some had fallen off so you cautiously walked towards the door and slowly pried it open and took your first step inside you looked around and saw.....

To be continued
(Cuz I'm lazy)

hello my love~ (Cartoon cat x fem Reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now