Chapter 7 - A cigar for the stress...

Începe de la început

Pressing my lips into a thin line i take a deep breath in and close my eyes just for a split second before replying.

"Fuck you."

He laughed wholeheartedly at the response, imagine if i said an actual joke.

"Listen, your fight is tomorrow, go and rest. You'll need it for the beating you're going to be giving out to that bald asshole.

"Night Mark. Come pick me up tomorrow."

After he said his goodnights i ended the call and noticed the cigar was almost burnt completely. With a flick of my fingers i dropped it from the balcony and turned around.

Maybe after the fight i'll go and light up a candle or something in memory of Vi, it's been long enough since i last did that.

She at least deserves that.

Akali's POV

"Akali you better be fucking ready!"

Yasuo said through the phone, i had him on speaker because i was currently in the other side of the room picking out a jacket to wear to the event. Since they know we go, i'll need to be looking good for . . . The fans, of course.

"Yes, i'll be down in a second. Get the girls!"

I said before i heard the sound of the call being ended. I pulled the jacket over my body and looked at the mirror.

"Lookin good girl."

Smirking at my own comment i made my way quickly outside of the room and down the stairs.

The door to the car was open result of Evelynn getting in before me as Kai'Sa had already the passenger seat occupied. I pouted once i realised i had to be in the back, i really disliked it.

"Hey 'Kali."

Yasuo waved at me while i pulled the door and closed and looked at him.


He smiled at me and then took off, thankfully this time we were going invited to the show since we did practically partnered with the RMMA.

"Ready for the show Yasuo?"

Kai'Sa asked while gazing around as we passed by the countless cars in the street.

"Ready as i'll ever be. And hey, remember they held me behind alone a little?"

All three of us nodded.

"They offered us backstage pass once the show is over. And well, they know we are fans of Y/N so we can hang there after the fight."

Me and Kai'Sa had an 'o' expression while Evelynn smirked.

"Already getting ideas, Eve?"

Asked Yasuo chuckling and she did the same.

"Maybe, if i'll need some one on one time with Y/N i'll tell you all to let us."

We all rolled our eyes at the idea, but don't get it twisted. She might just do that. Evelynn, our Evelynn, is more than capable.

"What? You are the one who brought it up."

The succubus smirked and made eye contact with the samurai through the mirror.

Upon reaching the arena we couldn't help but notice how many people turned up for this event. Definitely the most people i've seen attend to an event.

"The card today is pretty stacked. There is a championship match too. Heavyweights though."

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