Weekend Friends and a Cat Fight!

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It had already been a week of school! It sure didn't feel like it to me though. My first class for today was biology. So far my only friend was Aphmau. I also think Laurence kinda counts as a friend too though. He helps me find my way through the halls and stuff. He also gave me his number yesterday for if I ever get lost. Also for if we might want to hang out on the weekend.

I walked into the bio classroom. I had already thought today was going to be a good day since it was a Friday. I didn't see either Aphmau or Laurence in my class. Thank Irene Aaron wasn't there either.

I sat in the back row next to a boy with white hair and green eyes. I was feeling pretty confident so I thought I would talk to him. "Hi! My name is Y/N. What's yours?" I nervously awaited his response. He stuttered "Oh! Hi my name is T-Travis I-I honestly Didn't t-think anyone would t-talk to me. Let alone a pretty girl..." I blushed as my eyes widened in shock. I started to sweat as I spoke "W-wow that w-was very straight f-forward of y-you! Y-you must be v-very confident to s-say something like that t-to a girl you j-just met. If I said something l-like that to a boy I-I would just outright d-die!" His voice was shaky and he still stuttered as he spoke " Y-you d-don't think I'm about t-to explode h-here!?"

We chatted for a bit and we learned a little about each other. His last name is Valkrum and his dad (Terrence Valkrum) is a professor at a nearby university. He was less nervous around me now as we had gotten to know each other pretty well. "Why did you even talk to me in the first place? I mean you didn't really have to." He questioned me. I responded by saying "honestly I just didn't really want to be alone during this class..."

He agreed it was nice to not be alone for once. We compared schedules for the next few days before he spoke, "Hey Y/N? Do you wanna be friends?" I replied by saying "Yeah sure! But why don't we spice it up and call it something else instead?" He agreed.

We thought for a bit before both agreeing on a name. "Oooooo what about 'Not-Alone-Buddies'?" I suggested to him. He thought for a moment leaving me to eagerly wait for a response. After a few moments he agreed that it was a good name.

Just then the bell rang. I sadly had to part ways with my new Not-Alone-buddy as I had homeroom as my next class. I headed there now just barely making it in time. I plopped down into my seat. I turned to Aphmau and we talked for a bit. She then had to leave early for a dentist appointment.

I sat quiet for a bit before turning over to Aaron. I thought maybe he was just having a bad day last time and maybe I should try and talk to him again. "Hey Aaron! We might have just got off in the wrong foot the other day and I was wondering if you wanted to-" he interrupted me mid-sentence saying "Ugh! No I don't want to to talk to an annoying stupid little potato like you!" He then faced the other way for the remainder of class

I could tell he was just shy as he was blushing. He must just act tough to hide the fact that he's shy. My innermost thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the lunch bell. Well I better get going I thought to myself.


It was my last class of the day. I had witchcraft class even though I'm not a witch. Oh well it still my be interesting I thought to myself. It was also my first time having witchcraft class this whole year so, I wouldn't know anyone in that class yet.

I came into the classroom only to hear yelling. "Oh well I'm SORRY but it's not like it was entirely my fault!" A girl with orange hair and light red eyes shouted. A girl with light aqua-blue hair and blue eyes yelled back " I never should have given you a second chance at being my BFF!"

They kept yelling back and forth. I yelled "Okay that's enough!" They both looked over at me. They both looked a bit confused at first but the blue haired one slowly grew a smirk on her face. Under her breath I heard her mutter "This is perfect!"

She then spoke to the other girl "Oh this girl over here is my new BFF by the way!" She shot me a quick wink. The orange haired girl obviously wasn't buying it. She asked the blue haired girl "Oh really then? What's her name?" The blue haired girl stuttered before I said "It's Y/N!"

The orange haired girl then spoke to me " okay, hi girl who has obviously never met Kaitlyn before! Why don't you be my new BFF instead?" Then the two started arguing back and forth about who was my BFF.

I was about to interrupt them but just then two potions flew at them. Out of the cloud of smoke were two cats that slightly resembled the two girls. I looked behind me to see an old woman with white hair.

She spoke saying "Oh I'm sorry about them. They get like this sometimes. You three seem to get along quite well though so why don't you all sit together?" I agreed as she was our witchcraft teacher Ms. Hyria. I found out from her that the blue haired girls name is Kaitlyn and, the orange haired girl was Lucinda, her daughter.

I sat beside the two cats but to my annoyance all I could hear was a constant back and forth of meowing between the two. I told them to shut up numerous times but they still insisted on meowing back and forth for the whole entire class!


I was studying for an upcoming test when I got interrupted by the sound of my phone going off. I thought it might have just been my mom or FC. I looked over at the message to see that it was from Laurence.

He was asking if I wanted to come hang out with him and another one of his friends at the park! I hastily agreed and went downstairs to tell my mom. At first she was hesitant but she ended up allowing me to go. 

Once I had made it to the park I met up with Laurence. His friend wasn't here yet so we had some time alone to talk. We talked about classes and grades and our own personal interests.

Just then his friend had arrived. He was slightly taller than Laurence and had luscious blonde hair. He also had blue eyes that looked like the deep blue sea.

Laurene spoke "Hey Garroth! I brought one of my newer friends Y/N with me! I hope you don't mind." Garroth responded in a deep voice with a slight British accent "Y-yeah that's fine L-Laurence."


I could tell that Garroth was acting a bit off. I didn't want to confront him about it especially in front of Y/N. I kinda had the feeling he had a crush on her like I do but I didn't say anything. I'll just ask him at school about it. For now I'll just continue talking to him and Y/N and hanging out with them.


Why am I acting so weird? I'm usually so confident but around Y/N- I feel kinda nervous for some reason... Gah! I'm blushing! Snap out of it! Calm down Garroth! You can do this. All you have to do is just keep your cool and act normal. You just met her, and she just met you. Come on Garroth get your head out of the clouds! She probably already has a boyfriend or something anyways. I'm also sure your not the only one that finds her attractive... Besides you'd probably never have a chance to get with a girl that beautiful anyways...

(ON HIATUS) Aaron Lycan X ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя