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You walked along the railing enjoying a warm quiet day aboard the sunny. Day's like this were rare and you loved them. Robin seemed to have the same idea as she was reading in the sunshine. 

"Hey's so nice today." You smiled letting the wind rustle your hair as you sighed. "I wonder what Sanji's got for lunch?"

"You should go ask..." There was a twinkle in Robin's eyes as she chuckled knowing full well you like the lovestruck cook. "He would make anything for you I'm sure."

You simple glared and turned toward the kitchen a light blush on your face. Having joined with Zoro you knew that Sanji was trouble but still you were drawn to him and you hated it. After defeating big mom and the judge you understood him a little better but he was still out of reach. He loved all women and there was a part of you that wanted his attention more than Robin and Nami but there was no way he would see you that way and that ticked you off. 

Usually this caused you to be rude toward him or brush him off and pretend you were uninterested. Zoro had figured it out in no time knowing you most of your life and then teased you relentlessly. 

Your thoughts only seemed to fuel your annoyance as you entered the kitchen, surprised to see Sanji sitting at the table with a sad look on his face. His slim frame was slouched and his hand was twisted in his hair. He didn't seem to notice you but that could have been because your devil fruit, silent silent fruit. 

"Sanji?" You said gently. "You okay?"

His eye widened and he shot to his feet, a flash of panic crossing his face then it was gone replaced with his signature grin. You scowled at this and narrowed your eyes. He isn't okay at all...He's lying.

"Y/n, of course...Just trying to decide what is for lunch." His blue eyes looked tired but alert now. "Did you need something?" 

"Why are you upset? I have been standing her a bit longer then you would have liked." You said calmly. "Do you remember when I was trying to save Zoro at Fishman island and you asked why I didn't trust him to save himself and the others? Why aren't you trusting me?"

He looked shook at your worlds and you refused to look away as he sank into the chair again looking lost. 

"I...thought I could forget by now." His voice was low and sad. "I can't though, I remember everything...I was so weak then. Today is my birthday and I hate it...I didn't even know when it was until my sister told me a while back."

If he had dropped a bomb you wouldn't have been more surprised. He was hurting and didn't know what to do about it. He seemed so happy all the time but he wasn't.

"I was raised in a castle but it wasn't until Zeff found me that I actually had something worth anything. He made me a new birthday and it was happy again...I want to understand why they did what they did but I don't." 

You blinked back tears and stepped forward pulling him to his feet and wrapping your arms around his waist pulling his head to your shoulder. He tensed then relaxed and you could feel his tears dampen your shirt but said nothing.

"I'm sorry...We are your nakama and I should have thought about your mental health with all that you have been through. I don't think you are weak at all. I was so angry that you left at first but we all understand to us, Sanji. My mother used to say tears are a way a warrior heals." You felt his arm tighten and the smoothed his hair as you spoke. "You are worth so much more than you realize...I love you."

He raised his head and you blushed but didn't look away from him. His blue eyes were watery and you reached up to gently erase his tears. It wasn't over for Sanji but you would be there for him from now on. 

"Thank you...I care for you too." He leaned against your shoulder again. "I...I just need time to believe that again...that I deserve this. I understand this isn't what you thought you were getting with me."

"I will be here until you say other wise you are the only person I want so I will help you heal and I will listen. Good days or bad days...that's what Love does." He smile softly at your bold words and held you tight.  

He chuckled as he leaned back and you cocked an eyebrow at him. 

"You have your ability activated...everyone is standing at the door but cant hear us or enter. Luffy looks worried and angry." You turned to see your crew and captain glancing in with varied expressions. "Should we let them in?"

"Just in a second." You stood on your toes and kissed him. He gasped but returned the gesture with a softness than was purely Sanji. You pulled back and smiled at his flushed face. "You can flirt with whoever but those lips are mine, deal?"

He nodded and you giggled, dropping your ability.

The chaos that rained on you two was kind of welcomed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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