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This wasn't what you wanted when you became a Marine...Your head spun as you watched Ace's lifeless body fall to the ground. This wasn't because he was a criminal...it was because of who he was, who his father was. You wanted to protect people not become a murderer.

"Wait!" You called out to the red haired pirates captain with tears in your eyes. "Please take me with you! This isn't what I wanted..."

"And why would I do that? Your a Marine." Shanks eye bored into you but you shook your head shrugging out of your coat and looking at your admiral. 

"Not anymore, I didn't sign up for this...I refuse to serve under these cruel people. If that makes me a pirate then so be it." Your eyes shifted back to Shanks as you threw you coat to the ground. "I am no murderer."

"You sure you want this life, girl?" You nodded and Shanks took your hand. "I know a place for you...lets go."

Time skip after to straw hats reunion.

"Are you sure this is the right way? I mean...I saw that sign a few minutes ago!" You scowled glaring at Zoro's green head. "Really...we are lost aren't we."

You had went to Mihawks after marine ford and Ace's death. It had been hard to convince Zoro that you hadn't known about the Marine's plan but you had eventually won the greenie over then you both trained. You were going to meet Luffy the captain that had escaped the worlds tightest prison and fought at Marine ford and you were nervous.

"I doesn't matter." Zoro was sulking as you two made it to the ship. "I met up with the others earlier and told them I had someone with me...they didn't seem to mind."

"That's because they don't know me...What if Luffy sends me packing?" Your hand fiddled with the hilt of your single sword, Freya. "I don't have anywhere to go to, Shanks isn't about to let me join his crew...and Mihawk said I was annoying so I was banned from his island."

"You are." You glared and smacked the oafs head snickering when he stumbled into a bystander who shrieked in recognition. "Oi! Want me to cut you?!"

"If you could we wouldn't be here now would we?" You chuckled at his glare. "Anyway, there's a angry looking dude coming this was."


"Oi, moss head! You get lost again? We have been waiting for an hour!" The blonde well dressed man blinked when his eyes landed on you. "And you are, Miss?"

"Out of your league, pal." You grinned hearing Zoro's laugh making your heart jump. "You know Zoro?"

"That's our cook, Black leg Sanji." A tall dark hair woman approached and you recognized Nico robin. "You must be Zoro's companion."

"In a since, we've been training together since...Marine ford." You lowered your voice and Robin's eyes softened. "Is...Is your captain here?"

"Luffy!" A hand appeared on Zoro's shoulder and Robin quickly stepped aside taking you with her as the rubber captain of the Straw hats shot by. "Ugh!"

Zoro was laying on his back with Luffy laughing on his chest as Sanji chuckled and lit a smoke. You noticed a bond these two shared, over the years you had learned much about his and Zoro but seeing it made you smile. 

"Zoro! where's your friend? You are late!" Luffy laughed and Zoro pointed at you still out of breath. "Oh, hey!"

"Hello...I am YN." 

"I remember you..." Luffy said calmly and your heart dropped. Your head dropped and you nodded, feeling all the fear rise up with in you. "You joined Shanks crew...Is Shanks here?"

"No...After I left with him and Law saved you, I went to Mihawk's island to train and I met Zoro. I was a Marine so I could protect and I...I would never have...I didn't know..." Tears have risen as you spoke and you hated it but as Zoro's hand rested on your shoulder you sucked in a breath.

"She didn't know..." His voice was gentle as his arm slid down to your waist. "She is wanted by the Marine's for abandoning her post and siding with Shanks. She is a pirate now."

"I see..." Luffy grinned and took your free hand. "You fought for Ace to didn't you? When you found out...You are Zoro's friend and now apart of our adventure!"

Your lips parted in a grin of your own as you laughed and nodded. Suddenly a hand turned you toward Zoro and rough lips touched your own soft. Flower petals flouted as the hand disappeared and as you leaned back you saw Nico Robin smirking. 

Zoro's eyes were wide and you were red as Buggy's nose.

"Robin! I didn't get a picture...do it again!" Nami grinned and zoro chuckled.

Then he grinned and picked you up and kissed you deeply making you gasp and hold on to his neck. he was a Amazing kisser and tasted slightly like metal and sake. You chuckled as you parted.

"Got something to say Roanoro?" You snickered and touched his hair softly. 

"I might not hate you." He grinned his single eye glinting as you laughed loudly. "I think You should insult the cook more often."

"You are a monster you know that?" You hugged him tightly. "Thank you, I get to go on an adventure with you now...To see you become the strongest swordsman ever and that's worth the world to me."

"Your the world to me."

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