Chapter 3: she's gonna think we're stalking her

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Lexi, you ready to go?" Dean asks as he and Sam walk up to her. Robert looks at Sam and Dean, there was a weird look in his eyes. Like he knew them, or something like that. But what really made Dean feel uneasy is the way he looked at Alexis. Something was off about it.

"Well, I should probably let you go. Bye, Alexis." Robert says, walking away.


"Who was that, Alex?" Sam asks.

"That was Robert. He asked me out, but we have to leave. So...."

Alexis slides into the front seat, closing the door behind her.

"What are you doing?" Dean asks, leaning down to the window.

"I'm driving. Whenever you get your ass in the car."

"Well, I've got the keys, so...." Dean reaches into his pocket. "Lexi, you stole my keys?"

"Borrowed, Dean, borrowed." Alexis pats his cheek, giving him a smile. "So, are you two done bickering? Cause I'd like to get this show on the road."

Dean gets in the passenger seat and Sam gets in the backseat.

"If you ruin my car I will kill you." Dean looks at his best friend.

"Don't worry, Winchester. And you like me to much to kill me." Alexis looks over at him, starting the car.


Alexis closes the car door behind her as she looks up at the Carlton house. It seemed strangely familiar, but she couldn't quite figure out why.

"Keys." Dean says, walking around the car. Alexis throws them to him as the three hunters walk to the front door.

Dean knocks on the door and it opens. "Will Carlton?" He asks.

"Yeah, that's right." The guy at the door says.

"I'm agent Ford and this is agent Hamil and Jett. We're with the u.s wildlife services." Dean lies.


"She was about a hundred yards out. That's where she got dragged out." Will says. The four of them stand a little ways away from the lake as he explains what happened.

"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" Alexis asks as politely as possible.

"She was a varsity swimmer. She grew up on that lake. She was as safe out there as she was in her own bathtub."

"So, no splashing? No signs of distress?" Sam asks.

"No, that's what I'm telling you."

"Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe a dark shape breach the surface?" Sam continues.

"No, again, she was really far out there."

"You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?" Dean asks.

"No, never. Why? Why, what do you think is out there?"

"We'll let you know as soon as we do." Dean turns around and heading back toward the car.

"What about your father? Can we talk to him?" Sam asks.

"Look, if you don't mind. I mean, he didn't see anything. He's kinda been through a lot." Will tells him. Sam nods.

"Its okay. We understand." Alexis nods.


I'm sorry, but why do the wildlife services care about an accidental drowning?" Jake, the sheriff, asks as they walk into his office.

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