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"No, there's no way." She said and Logan looked a the file and spoke.

"Elaine, Amalia wasn't just killed in the line of duty. She was murdered." She said and Elaine glared at her and spoke.

"I don't know who it could have been. Amalia was the wild one out of the both of us. It was a different guy every week." She said and Logan nodded and looked up at Boden.

"For all we know, you could be next, Elaine. We don't know what this guy's motive is. We don't know anything about him, but you might. It might be extremely tragic for you and that's why you've blocked it out but we have to figure out who he is." She said and Elaine shook her head and spoke.

"With all due respect, I- I can't do this. I watched Amalia burn, Logan. I watched her die and I couldn't do anything about it. For weeks- months I had to go to some therapy place up near Pilsen and when I finally get cleared to work I have to re vist everything that put me in this position in the first place?" She asked and then Logan looked at Boden and Kelly spoke.

"Did your partner have a boyfriend or someone she was seeing longtime?" He asked and Elaine shrugged her shoulder and spoke.

"There was one guy, he was much older." She said and Logan looked at her and spoke.

"Wait, he was older?" She asked and Elaine nodded and then Logan looked at Boden.

"Chief." She said and then Boden looked at Elaine and spoke.

"How old?" He asked and Elaine blinked and shook her head.

"I don't know, like 5ish years or so. He was almost 40." She said and Logan looked at chief and spoke, looking at Elaine.

"In the report, your old chief said that Amalia had the wrong jacket, what does that mean?" She asked and Elaine blinked and spoke.

"We were both late to shift. There was traffic and we didn't make it on time. When we pulled up tp the firehouse the alarms went off and I accidentally grabbed her jacket. It only had her last name on it." She said and then Logan shook her head and spoke.

"We need to get Jay here, now." She said and Elaine raised an eyebrow, wondering what her brother had to do with this.

Elaine looked down at the ground, bouncing her leg up and down as Logan was filling in her brother and Kelly spoke.

"Elaine." He said and Elaine looked up and he spoke.

"We want to help you, okay? We just want you to know that." He said and Elaine gave him a small nod and the door opened and her brother walked through with his hands on his waist and spoke.

"Elaine, why didn't you tell me about the jacket?" He asked and Elaine blinked and spoke.

"What?" She asked and Logan spoke looking at her.

"We think that whoever killed Amalia thought it was you." She said and Elaine shook her head and spoke.

"No, that's impossible, Amalia and I aren't even the same race!" She said and Matt looked at them and then spoke.

"I think what they're trying to say is that when you accidently switched jackets whoever pushed Amalia thought it was you." He said and Elaine furrowed her eyebrows inwards and shook her head quickly looking at Matt.

"Jay." She said looking back at him and then he sat in the chair Logan previously sat in looked at his youngest sister, seeing that she was the perfect balance of Will and him. Having Will's red hair, but his green eyes and both of their fair skin.

"Elaine, I need you to go over everything that happened that day." He said and Elaine closed her eyes and spoke.

"It was a Monday. We were on second shift, both of us were on Squad. We had a structural fire so all trucks and engines were called out. Jack Gibson, Andy Herrera, Ben Warren, Amalia and I were all there, everyone from out shift. We went in after our captain. We were looking at the first level, elevators were blocked off, so stairs was the number one option." She said and then she opened her eyes and looked down at her knees.

"Amalia was calling out, seeing if anyone was on the first level. The stairs led down to the basement. So, we kept calling out and then decided to split up. but before we could do that I saw a figure dressed in black push her down the stairs." She said and then her eyebrows furrowed inwards and she shook her head.

"That's all I remember. Amalia and I lived together, Jay." She said and Jay nodded and she spoke again.

"We did everything together, we went out together, sometimes when she'd get night terrors she'd sleep in my bed. If this is what you say it is, they need to pay, whoever it is." She said and Jay nodded and looked up at his partner, who had her hands crossed over her chest and she spoke.

"We're going to do everything we can to catch whoever did this, Elaine." She said and Elaine nodded and bit her lip and stood, starting to walk out the room. Jay grabbed her arm and she turned, looking at her older brother.

"I need you to be careful, Elaine." He said looking into his youngest sister's green eyes and she nodded and walked away from them. Kelly looked at them with wide eyes and Matt shook his head.

"We're going to keep an eye on her." He said and Jay nodded in thanks and Logan looked at the back of Elaine's head and watched as she walked away. 

EPIPHANY [MATT CASEY 1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora