Getting Closer

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Erza awoke with a gasp, her pillow drenched in sweat. She looked at her hands, they were shaking.

She threw the quilt off of her and sat up, her feet touched the wooden floor and creaked loudly. But she didn't care. The scarlet haired woman began pacing back and forth, she hugged herself as she tried to catch her breath.

There's no way that could ever happen. Natsu would never let that happen...

She only began to breathe harder, her hands becoming shaker, her head becoming light and her face becoming numb.

What is happening to me! She thought as she began sobbing uncontrollably.

She heard her door burst open and the room became ten times hotter than it was before.

"Erza, are you okay?" He asked worriedly. She turned to face him, his arms were reaching for her slightly as he stood in front of her; waiting to take her into his embrace.

She could barely utter a word as her nerves became even more shot as she attempted to communicate normally.

"B-bad Dream," she whimpered out. That was all he needed to hear, he immediately hugged her tightly. And she began sobbing even harder.

"I can't feel my face!" She gasped out as she began to cover her face with her hands.

"It's just an anxiety attack, it's gonna be okay," he whispered in her ear as he cradled her close, sitting down on the floor to hold her better.

She continued crying, and the Dragonslayer did his best to console his friend.

She heard his soft voice, singing.

Show me the way to go home

I'm tired and I wanna go to bed

I had a little drink about an hour ago and it's gone right to my head

Oh, show me the way to go home

You'll always hear me singing this song

Oh show me the way to go home

When he finished serenading her, she had stopped crying altogether and was staring up at him as she was cradled in his arms.

I love this man.

Her heart fluttered with every positive emotion she could think of, love, giddiness, compassion, all melding into a big ball of happiness because of Natsu.

"You alright, Erza?" He asked her, she was staring at him deeply, a loving look displayed across her tear stained face.

"Yes, Natsu, because of you," she nuzzled into his chest. "Sing it again, please," she mumbled to him into his chest.

He chuckled to himself. "Igneel used to sing that to me, said he heard it from a human he once traveled with,"

He sang it again, this time even sweeter, and her panicked demeanor had completely dissolved as she calm listened to him. She never wanted to leave.

Natsu wordlessly gathered her into his arms and took her to her bed. He laid her down, covering her. She looked up at him.

"Stay," was all she said. His onyx eyes softened; and he took his shoes and vest off, as well as his lower robe, leaving only his white pants.

He crawled into the other side of the bed, facing her. She turned to face him, the moon shined through her blinds, illuminating her Dragonslaying friend's face up in the dark room. He looked serious, yet soft at the same time.

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