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"Yeah Robin?"

"Who was the first person you ever loved?"

It was silent in the rotten treehouse behind the last house on clementine street. The only sound being the beginnings of a summer's breeze passing through one window and out the other, a light whistling sound, almost like a song. Robin Buckley lay flat on her back, one arm tucked beneath her head and her eyes focused on her friend. Her dark blonde hair was sprawled out onto the floorboards beneath her creating almost a halo pattern above her. All the while her best friend, Lydia Greystone, sat with her knees against her chest, staring up and out of the window at the never ending stars. A cigarette hung loosely between her two fingers and she took a small drag of it before puffing the smoke out of the window, her eyes only meeting Robin's for a second.

"Easy... Steve."

"Steve? As in Steve Steve? As in our Steve?"


"As in Steve Harrington-"

"Yes Robin, Steve."

"But how?" Robin was exasperated, she moved to rest on her knees, her blue eyes wide with curiosity. "You guys never told me you were a thing? In fact I don't think I've ever heard either of you speak about it, like ever."

"That's because we never were. We were an almost. Just an almost."

"An almost? What does that mean?"

"He was my first ever crush, and I was his. It was how we became friends actually." The brunette chuckled to herself, putting her cigarette out against the wooden window frame. "Tommy set us up, we went out on one awkward date and then he walked me home and kissed me on the cheek at my door and that was the end of that."

"So... how did you love him?"

"I wouldn't know what to call it. I think... He was the first ever person I loved as anything. As family, as a friend. I've never had anything like that." She breathed out a soft sigh, "But then you came along and now I have two idiots to love."

"Well what about romantic love?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"I just don't know these things about you. I feel like I hardly know you sometimes."

"Okay, well I don't know if I've ever completely felt that."

"Never?" Robin stared, "But you've had boyfriends Lyds-"

"None worth while." Lydia suddenly climbed to her feet, dusting off her pants before making her way to the ladder.

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be back in a little while okay?"

"Let me guess, you're going to pick up weed from Eddie again?"

"You hit the nail right on the head."

"Please be careful."

"I always am." The Greystone girl grinned at her friend. "You best be here when I get back."

"I will be."

And just like that Lyds began to descend the ladder, ring after ring until her feet were firmly on the ground again.

"Lydia?" Robin's head peered over the edge of the hatch. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"Don't die please."

"I can't make any promises."

"Make sure Eddie doesn't kill you."

"I'll tell him you said hi." She grinned once more

And finally, Lydia walked away. Robin watched from the tree house window as her friend climbed onto her motorcycle and reversed out of her driveway and into the street, wondering just why she had to leave her for the millionth night in a row.

But it made sense. because Robin knew good weed was the one thing Lyds could never stay away from, and Eddie Munson always provided.

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