Gay Panic

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Let's just get right into it shall we?

"Belov, Katerina" the whole room went silent. Well fuck. When I stepped forward I heard some people whisper 'Belov like The Belovs family?'    'Belov is like the most powerful wizard family in Russia.'     Great so they know who I am. Sarcasm. I sat down on the stool and the hat was placed on my head. "Ah its been a very long time since I had a Belov." The head said loudly "I still remember when I got to sort your mother. But let's see....... Kind....... Brave....... Smart...... Cunning...... A born leader....... And very powerful you are gonna make it far in the world Miss Belov. Ah I know better be........ SLYTHERIN." The slytherin table began to clap very loud. I sat down and waited for the next person to get sorted.

" Black, Bellatrix " that's her name the most beautiful girl I've ever  and she is of the noble house of black. The hat didn't take long before it said "Slytherin" there was not much space left on the table but she sat right next to me. Gay panic. "Hello, I'm Bellatrix Black." she said to me. Fuck she is talking to fucking me. "Hello, I'm Katerina Belov but you can call me Katé." I try to stay calm. she held her hand out to shake I of course accepted it. God her hands are so soft. "So you are from The Belov familly like the most powerful wizard family of Russia and probably the world." she asked curious. "Yes, I came to England like a year ago." I said with my Russian accent. "Well, I hope we share a dorm together." she was actually sounded a little excited. "I'm sorry but my mother probably got me a private dorm." she looked a little disappointed. "Well, then I hope we will be great friends." she said smiling. God her smile is so beautiful. "I hope so too ." then we turned back to the sorting. A lot of kids went while we were talking.

"Ivanov, Nikolay" I smiled when he walked forward I mean he is so sweet and we have been friends for like forever. "Is he your friend?" Bellatrix asked "Yes best friends, he's also russian." She nodded " HUFFLEPUF" the Hat shouted. Again the whole table clapped. "Jones,Ryan" I gave a little nudge towards bella she turned to me "He is also my friend. He's not Russian." I said. Bella smiled and nodded. "BETTER BE... SLYTHERIN" I clapped so fucking hard. Ryan took a seat next to me. I hugged him "RYAN, I'm so happy you are in slytherin. Like I thought you were gonna be a ravenclaw or something." he laughed "No girl. I'm here with you." he said with lots of sass. A few kids went "Skeeter, Rita" a girl with light blond hair and glasses came forward "SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted. "Smith, Alexander" the lady shouted. The blond boy stepped forward. "What house do you think Alex would get sorted into?" I asked Ryan."probably Hufflepuff." I can see that. "HUFFLEPUF." The hat shouted. After everyone got sorted professor Dumbledore came forward. He gave a whole speech that the woods are forbidden and that sort shit. Honestly I didn't pay attention to any of it. When he was finished (finally) the food appeared on the tables. Everyone began eating.

When dinner was over we had to go to the common rooms. We stopt in front of a painting "password?" The painting asked."pure-blood." The prefect answered. The painting opened. When we walked in the room it was beautiful. It was under the black lake, we saw some of the mermaids in the water. It was pretty cold. There were a few couches, a round table. Everything was in the Slytherin theme (black and green).

"The girls dorms are upstairs and then to the left, the boys dorms are upstairs to the right." The prefect said "Some of you have a private dorm. You have to walk upstairs and for the girls also to the left and for the boys right you will see closed doors with your name on it." The prefect explained "Now go to your dorms and to sleep. You have your first class tomorrow."and with that he walked of. "Night ry." I said before walking of. "Night Katé."

When I arrived at my dorm I looked at Bella who was at the door next to me "Goodnight Bellatrix." I smiled "Goodnight Katé."

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Yes I'm still alive.

The Raven {bellatrix black fanfic) (femalexfemale) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora