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Before we get started, I would like to inform you of the trigger warnings for this story. I plan to put in this story the following possible triggers:




Murder (attempted and complete)

Attempted Suicide


Panic Attacks

Mental Health Issues

Sexual Assault/Rape



Sexism (fairly minor, but still there)

Physical Harm (attempted and complete)

Flashbacks and Mentions of Child Abuse and Neglect


These are subject to change. I may add others or take any of these out, but these are what I currently plan to have in this story. Please be aware of these possible triggers. I will also give additional trigger warnings at the beginning of chapters with any of these aspects. If you cannot handle any of these, I suggest you skip this story and read one of my other ones. I do not want to cause any harm to any of my readers. I appreciate your understanding and hope that you enjoy the story.

Also, this story takes place after the events of the anime. Since the 100 Year Quest manga hasn't been adapted into an anime nor is it complete, I will not be referencing any of its events in this story or treating it as something that actually happened.

I love you all! Now, on with the show!

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