Plus, even though Eli knew that Bakugo was serious about his threats, SHE didn't take him serious enough to even consider him a threat. She was sure the boy was strong and all, but a threat to her? That she refused to believe.

Bakugo scowled, folding his arms before angrily marching off the small podium and joining them, annoyed I might add, as they laughed.

Mezo pointed over to a small food court which was right outside the arcade.

"I'm sure we can find something everybody likes over there," Mezo said, smiling through his mask.

They walked over to the food court, and stood in a small group, looking around at the places to eat. All except Eli really, she didn't know any of the food places around, so she figured she'd let them do the deciding, besides, she was pretty sure she could stomach a little bit of everything.

'Well maybe not everything, Dad force-fed me like 3 croissants because I wasn't really hungry this morning,' she thought mindlessly.

Sooner or later, her wrist was grabbed and she was being pulled to some kind of food joint that Bakugo had his eye on. Hitoshi had been the one to grab her, seeing the recognizable 'out of it' look that she had in her eye.

Eli didn't pay much attention to the others as she pressed the button on the machine, choosing to get some kind of spicy tuna sushi roll before she paid and grabbed her ticket. She then did the thing again, keeping her promise to buy Bakugo's lunch, Mezo's, and Hitoshi's as well.

"Seriously Eli-chan, you didn't have to pay for my lunch," Mezo said with a frantic wave of his many hands. She smiled and shook her head as she scooped boba into her cup from the nearby boba place she had her eye on.

"You want to pay me back? Do me a favor and hold my ticket, because I will most definitely lose it," Eli offered slyly, handing the boy her ticket.

Mezo could only sigh and take it from her, but he couldn't help chuckling as he smiled.

Usually, Eli wasn't one to spend all the money she earned so recklessly (if you can count this as reckless), but for once in her life, she actually could. There was no phone bill to pay, no health insurance, no rent, no school tuition, no textbooks to rent, gas to buy, and the list went on and on.

But the thing was, she didn't actually have anything she wanted-- EXCEPT

"Roller skates," she pondered out loud, not hesitating to get her phone out and write it down somewhere so she wouldn't forget.

"Huh? Speak up will ya?" Bakugo said, still wearing a salty look in his eye as he rested his cheek on the palm of his hand.

"Roller skates! I just remembered I wanted a pair," Eli thought.

'Do roller skates still exist? If they don't, that is actually so lame,' Eli thought.

Louis always loved to skateboard, and for a while, it was also Eli's preferred method of transportation as opposed to the bus or even asking anyone to take her(mostly because the answer was usually no). Well that was until she saved up enough to get herself a car.

"Skates? There's a board shop in this mall, I'm sure they have roller skates there too," Hitoshi spoke up, sipping from the iced coffee she'd bought for him earlier.

It was actually really funny to him, how easily Eli was to spend money on him when she was the one objecting to their Dad's spending any money on her. He couldn't help but chuckle at the irony.

"Really?!" she asked, watching as the boy grinned a bit and nodded his head.

"Can we go there after we eat?" Eli asked them all, Mezo immediately smiling through his mask as he nodded.

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