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"Basically, everyone knows the Queen of hearts is a terrible ruler, right?" Madic says.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"She has idiotic rules, she's overall just, mean, let's not forget the whole cutting people's heads off thing... Hey, Cheshire can you fetch me some coffee?"

"Sure thing boss," Cheshire says winking at Madic, and walks over to the mini coffee station.

Madic continues "Basically we're trying to dethrone her."

"And how do you plan on that exactly?" I asked.

"Good ol' fashion murder," Jinx says, chiming in with a smug look on her face.

"And how do you plan on that exactly?" I repeat myself.

"Tilly here has maybe fifty plans due to her indecisiveness. Here's your coffee, hot stuff. Just how you like it." Cheshire says flirtatiously, joining back in.
"We're not really sure honestly. Not saying we're completely clueless, we've got a basic plan on how to get into the castle. We were hoping you could help out on the
whole murdering The Queen part of it" Cheshire explains to me.

It takes me a few seconds to process what he's said to me. I'm pretty sure he's asking me to help him plot the queen of wonderland's murder. I could get my head chopped off if I agree to this.

After I wrapped my head around what was happening I asked. "What's your plan to get into the castle?



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