✯Five✯ - Extra sheets

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"They surrender to me." He murmured, while sucking and biting her neck, as if he were starving, "just like now."

Teresa freezed, stiffening her body as her whole senses came back to her. She found herself pushing Jacob again for the second time in just a few minutes, but his body didn't budge instead he let go of her carefully.

Taking a deep breath, Teresa walked away from him to walk around on the other side of the bed, putting a rift between them. He was dangerous.  Very dangerous.

One moment he was a few distance away from her, and the next he had his lips on her neck. Something tells Teresa she wasn't prepared for this version of Jacob, the attractive type of Jacob. She could come with the other version, it was bearable. But this present version Teresa fears might destroy her, forever.

"I think both you and Gideon have an explanation to do. What game are you both playing?" She asked, after giving herself a minute to collect her senses.

Jacob shrugged, rubbing his hand on his beardless beard. "The game of pretense?"

She narrowed her eyes on him. "Don't throw away my question." She sighs, straightening her back, gazing at his emerald green eyes, "from the way things are I'm sure you knew Gideon's preposition to me."

He nodded. "Yeah. I ask him to do so." He said comfortably, making himself welcome as he sat on the perfectly made bed, while taking off his shoes casually.


"I accidentally spilled your name, calling you my fiancée." He said the exact thing Gideon said. Teresa was beginning to think maybe Gideon's story had apparently been Jacob's to tell.

"Did you ask Gideon to lie to me, because if I knew it'd been you I'd have hundred percent not agree?" She's questioned, folding her arms to her chest, already prepared to bounce at him any given moment. "We haven't seen each other for years. What if I'd been in a relationship?"

He smiled, winking at her, his whole eyes looking like they were about to devour her. "I knew you weren't." He said, "how? Well for your information I'd been in New York for six months. I saw you a lot while I was visiting Gideon's company, and studied you to know you weren't in any form of relationship. You don't know how glad I'm to realize you were single."

Teresa was in shock. Jacob had been in New York, and had visited the company where she works and she didn't know? Or was he preventing her from finding out of his arrival.

She watched as he walked to the door and opened it to pull in her bags. She saw someone walk away from the door, who was undeniably Gideon.

He was avoiding her. Wanting to know more she walked towards the door to chase him for more questions, but was brought to a halt by Jacob's hand on her arm, pulling her back inside and shut the door to lock it, while holding onto the key.

"Gideon is innocent of whatever this is. I forced him to lie, he owed me that much." He clarified, making Teresa more angry than she already was.

The pulled her arm away from his grip, "whatever you both owed yourself shouldn't have any concern with me." She snapped, while pacing in the room, running her hands through her hair.

"Let me point out that Gideon didn't force you. You agreed to this means, you join whatever agreement we had the moment you said yes."

"How the hell do you know what I agreed on?"

He carried one of her bags on the bed one after the other, "because I happened to have been on the other table behind you?"

She gasps at his words. He'd been at the restaurant? Wow. Both brothers really know how well to plan things. 

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