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Stage 5: the twin flame chase

No matter what form the crisis stage takes, it is always followed by a running or chasing stage.

You may be in either role, and you may switch back and forward between the two roles.

This stage revolves around one distancing themselves. This is often out of fear of confronting the level of intimacy that the two of you are capable of experiencing.

The twin in this role will be in pain and will feel very defensive and resistant. Meanwhile, the other twin flame will give chase, believing that the bond is worth fighting for and working on.

This stage can only end up when the running twin stops trying to get away, and the chasing twin stops trying to push.

Often, the end of this stage is characterized by both twin flames realizing that there are forces at work beyond their control.

(source: thelawofattraction.com)

Sanaa ☯

My conception of love was completely warped due to the experience of my parents. From my perspective, love was projected to decrease in the coming years. Marriages, romantic relationships, families, and friendships were damaged, humans got involved in different forms of relationships for their personal gain, people deliberately harm others to boost their egos, authorities violated their powers and evil continued to grow through unjust doings and mental and emotional manipulation of others.

The negativity that clouded the media weighed on me a lot. I couldn't bare to watch nor read depressing news without getting a physical symptom such as a tight chest or an intense headache.

It was challenging to not think about him, especially if he was talked about everywhere. I missed his kindness, touch, laugh, smell and presence. I hated that simple things such as a song, video or food reminded me of him and I hated that the separation affected me harder than I initially anticipated.

His performance noticeably dropped, which led to huge criticism from journalists and fans. I once caught a glance of his team's highlights on YouTube and saw his solemn facial expression. His emotional and professional state was strained because of me. He eventually left PSG during the winter transfer window and moved to Liverpool F.C.

I on the other hand decided to move to a university apartment to create healthy boundaries for myself. Fortunately, the process was easy and I enjoyed living by myself. I didn't have to think / worry about others and I could freely think about taking healthy steps to move forward. I used my new found solitude to think about my mother's condition. Even though her departure created so much havoc in my life, I had no ill feelings towards her. It is important to choose yourself in difficult times. I prayed for her well being and hoped that she would get into contact with me soon.

I apologized to Mari for ghosting her and she accepted in my apology in a heartbeat. Although I was thankful for her acceptance, I was slightly flabbergasted at how quick she did accept the apology.

"I do not mean to sound ungrateful but why did you accept my apology so fast?" I asked her as we sat in the school's café.

"I could tell that you were troubled and needed space. It still isn't the best way to handle things though. You cannot just avoid talking to people that care about you without telling them. A simple "I am busy, I can't talk right now. I appreciate your concern" will suffice," she explained.

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