"It's not a necklace, it's a waist chain, it's supposed to be there" you said, grabbing his hand and removing it from you, while you got up from him. "And didn't you say my clothes were distracting everyone but not you? Did you change opinion?"

He too got up from the sofa, turned off the tv and headed to the door, sighting "Whatever, let's go"

"You know, one day you'll need to actually say what's in your mind instead of closing the conversation with a 'whatever' or a 'shut up'"

"Shut up" he said jokingly while passing under the door frame, laughing and turning around to wait for you to lock the door, still unable to not look at your waist chain <<Fuck, that's so beautiful>>

{a/n: yes, i am the one obsessed with waist chains over here. yes, that's me, sorry not sorry}

You were heading to the park near your house, just a ten-minute walk and you would be there. Ten minutes where all Scaramouche did was complaining about your clothes. "Who in fuck's sake puts hair clips without actually changing how your hairs are? Shouldn't they pull some strains in other directions or some shit, instead of just sit there?"

"They're here just for the look, not for practical reasons"

"For the look? You look like a 10 years old, with those pink, green, blue, yellow and orange butterflies. Might as well put the rainbow on your hairs"

"I have other clips that are little rainbows, even with the clouds. Next time we hang out, I'll put those on, so you'll be happy"

"Archons help me"

"Listen, you look like you're going to a funeral all black like that, I need to balance things. And the girl dressed in childish clothes, all colorful and cute is always a good pair for the boy dressed all black from head to toe and with the only color coming from the wings of his t-shirt! It's a classic!"


"I mean, we are going around together just us two, aren't we? Don't fret, I didn't mean like a couple or something"

"Why would I fret?"

"Well, it wouldn't be a good thing..."

"What? Why?"

"Because... oh come on, you know why"

"I literally have no idea what kind of bullshit you're saying"

"I'm the girl everyone always made bets on, like 'If I beat you on the test you have to kiss on the cheek Y/n! Ew, gross!', and everyone always said things like 'Why don't you just say who you like? It's not like it's gonna be Y/n, we won't make fun of you' or during truth or dare on school trips 'I dare you to tell everyone you like Y/n! So embarassing!' I know I'm not... on the market? Is it how you boys say it? I think it was it"

"What, who the f-"

"OH! LOOK! SCARA, LOOK, LOOK!" you spotted a man selling cotton candy on the other side of the fountain, and tugging to the boy's shirt, you started dragging him to the stand.

"Y/n, it's only 9 am and we've just had breakfast, you really want that?!"

"It's always a good time for cotton candy!" you answered him, letting go of his shirt to reach for the money you stuffed in your pocket just in case, before greeting the salesman with a bright smile "Hello, good morning! I'll take a small of the white one!"

"Good morning, beauty. On the way"

"Scara, you don't want it?"


"Why?! C'mon, just a small one"

"I'll just take a bite from yours, sweetie" he said, wrapping an arm around your waist and almost leaning in to kiss your cheek.

"The hell you're doing?!" you whispered back at him, trying to shake him off, in vain.

"I don't like the way this man's looking at you" he whispered back in your ear, making shivers run down your spine. You didn't notice anything strange, but you were really bad at readying people, meanwhile he was really good, and the fact you never saw this man around there and he was close to your house led you to leave the situation to Scaramouche, who grabbed the cotton candy without leaving you, paid for it and dibbed his goodbye to the salesman in the driest and most warning way he could. It turned out kind of terrifing, but that was exactly what he was looking for.

When you turned around a corner, he let go of you and handed you the candy. "Here"

"Oh, thanks. Wait, let me give you the money back"

"No, you don't have to, it's ok"

"But I want to. Please, I would feel bad"

"Ugh, ok then"

"By the way..." you looked down at the path, as you started to feel not too good about what just happened "do you- do you think my shorts are too short...? Maybe the shirt is...?"

"What are you talking about, you don't have to change clothes just for a pervert"

"But, the world is dangerous, especially for a woman, and the law isn't exactly to our side.... And I know it's not just one pervert, I might not be beautiful but those guys don't really care, as long as it's a woman they would always whistle to her and ask her if she has time, and until I'm in broad daylight I might be slightly less at danger, but- but after all, if something happens it's me who loses the most, I'm the one getting harmed while they don't even get touched by the law in most cases... Because if someone forces a girl to give a blowjob, it's the girl's fault since 'she could have bite it and freed herself'. That's the way the law sees those things"

{a/n: yup, that is true, i didn't made it up}

You were starting to breathe heavily, your vision was clouded and out of focus while you kept looking at what till few moments ago was the path of the park, while you started to hear the sounds around you getting muffled, your head started to spin a little, and you could almost feel like you were being dragged out of your body, like you were just looking at the scene and not actually living it. 

The world is really a scary place, especially for a lady. All your life, since you were able to understand words, since you had memory, you were told how guys do bad things to nice girls, how you should always avoid this and that. Nothing really ever happened, the usual things that every girl experiences, whistles here and there, gazes even when you're in a plain hoodie and jeans, times where you had to go around with the voice recorder opened just in case, guys asking your number, drunks asking if you want to go with them even at 10am, boys at the spot behind you in some queues "accidentally" touching you. Every girl has experienced those things, but are they right? The fact women were used to it didn't mean it was right, didn't make it less scary. And now, even just going to buy cotton candy from a middle-aged man in a park was a bad experience, just because the weather was hot and you dressed nicely. "Should- should I really start changing how I dress? Are these things too much? You said it yourself too..."

"Hey, hey, listen" he gently grabbed your cheeks and made you face him, to snap you out of that trance you were in "There might be bad guys outside, but you don't have to change the way you dress just because they're dickheads. And maybe you see a lot of them, but I'm sure there are far more nice guys than those kinds of assholes. You dress however you like and feel comfortable with. Right now, I'm with you and I'll protect you, when you're with others you'll be safe too. When you'll be alone, just pay attention and be careful, like you did till now." He was trying to make you feel better, but he, too, was under shock. Was that the world girls lived in? "You're safe and nothing ever happened. So keep doign whatever you're doing. Maybe, just maybe, if you want to, I don't know, if you go outside the night don't ever go alone, with at least a trusted boy would b-"

"Scara... Can you teach me how to beat people? For self-defense, can you teach me?"

&quot;i don't belive you&quot; (scaramouche x fem reader) a genshin impact fanficWhere stories live. Discover now