Chapter 22: He's A Swimmer (M)

Start from the beginning

"'l'l walk you, Ann. Let's go." Taehyung smiled at her and gave me a wink when she wasn't looking. I smirked back at him, caught Jisoo's hand and walked off.

"Seeing you and Chae deal with her will never get tiring." he chuckled and I grinned at him sheepishly.

Just then, Alisha, a girl who I usually saw around the back buildings smoking, greeted me as she walked past. "Hey, gurl. We going out the back for a smoke. You coming?"

"Nah. I have class. Next time!" l yelled back.

"Uh you go to smoke pot with them?" hesitation was clear in his voice as he spoke.

"Yeaahh. You should try it sometimes." I winked at him and he shook his head, serious. Jen, this guy doesn't even drink.

A few girls walked past and gave jisoo "the look" and I smiled sweetly at them. But I'm sure they caught the silent message because they instantly looked away.

"It's funny when you do that." he laughed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Do what?"

"That smile. Its so sweet but you can see the murder written on it."

I laughed and was going to say something back when a voice stopped me in my tracks.


I turned around to see Kai there, looking as hot as ever in a pair of blue jeans and a black Tee. I could sense the tension radiating off of Jisoo so I took a step away from him and walked towards Kai.

"I'I be right back." I whispered to him. He avoided my eyes, his jaw set.

When I reached Kai, he surprised me by going in for a hug. I awkwardly hugged back and smiled at him.

"My place? Tonight?" he smirked, revealing his set of perfect teeth.


"Great. Text me later." he pecked my forehead and walked off.

What the fuck just happened.

I turned around and walked back to Jisoo. He was furious. His beautiful golden eyes held a fucking hurricane In them. Fear and anticipation crawled through my veins.

" Jisoo, Ca-

"Come with me." I didn't get to answer as he pulled my
hand forcefully and started walking with me in the direction opposite to that of our classes. I timidly followed him, struggling to keep up with his huge strides. Many people turned around to give us questionable looks.

We reached a part of the back building itself. But this one was way too secluded. There weren't any stoners on the stairs, there wasn't any group of friends just hanging out, nothing. Just an empty corridor which would look haunted at night. Jisoo walked in further into the hallway and icy fear gripped at my stomach. What was going to happen?

We entered a remote and empty class and Jisoo roughly
pushed me inside. If i didn 't know Jisoo, I would scream

I looked into his golden eyes and saw the anger in them. His jaw was clenched so hard and he looked so fucking hot.

He pushed me on the wall and leaned towards me slowly. Goosebumps erupted on my skin and I forced my heart to stop beating so fast. My pussy clenched with pure anxiety and curiosity as to what was gonna happen now.

"What was he telling you?" He snapped into my neck as his lips ghosted over my pumping vein. My heart hammered in my chest. He placed a soft kiss there and pulled back to look into my eyes again deeply.

"He wanted me to come over to his place today." I answered, forcing the tremble out of my voice.

"You aren't going, yes?"

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