"it still feels so weird to publicly say i have a boyfriend since i didn't confirm it for a little while and just avoided the question all together, but i am glad you guys all know now since i hated keeping it from you guys. but that's beside the point. i'm going to vancouver to meet his family for the first time which i am quite scared about but i'm also so excited to finally meet his brothers since i haven't had the chance to just yet. very excited for the next couple of days."

"the flight is a little more than five hours from nyc to vancouver, so i definitely should catch up on my sleep during the flight but to be honest i rather watch netflix or read a book. again not the smartest idea i've ever had." i said laughing once again.

"last night i tweeted saying i was going on a flight or was on one, not sure of which one i did, but i made sure to do it last night so that people would respond because if i were to tweet it right now. it's 4 am, not a single person would respond."

"i feel like i've been rubbing in this moisturizer for the past thirty minutes so now, i am going to put on this hydrating serum, the brand is dr. barbara strum. it is quite pricey so if you ever need a hydrating serum do not feel obligated to buy this one because there are tons of more affordable options out there on the market."

"you guys are all probably wondering why i'm putting on so many hydrating products and i need all the moisture i can get since my skin gets so dry when i fly anywhere. no matter the climate of the destination, since the cabin pressure of a plane is very low in the air and i naturally my skin is more dry than oily."

"but i'm probably going to end up showing up at the airport looking like a slimy slug but it's going to be totally worth it."


i flipped the camera to steph and zoomed in on her face. "say bye to the vlog pookie."

"bye." steph said grumpy because of how early it still is before closing the window and driving away.

"made it to the airport, steph just dropped me off. still very early, i have about an hour before i board. or so i think i do." i said walking to the check in area.

"but this is the set up, my rimowa suitcase, and my tote bag from goyard. my literal child, we love her." i said showing the camera. "i probably look like a bozo right now holding a camera in front of my face at 5 am but hey, anything for you guys."


"kinda forgot to vlog after making it past tsa, whoopsie, but.." i said setting the camera on the counter in front of my seat. "made it onto the plane, sitting in first class on jet blue. one of the most underrated airlines there is, flight will be non-stop thank god. and it is currently 6:07." showing the camera the time on my phone once again.

"i ended up getting a hot white mocha with whip, from starbucks and i think i'm going to watch either gossip girl or read a book. probably read a book since i haven't had too much time to read lately."

"i brought two options, first is this book named normal people by sally rooney. stephanie recommended me it, she said it was amazing so i bought it at the airport bookshop before boarding."

"life lesson, if you see a bookstore. you have to go and check it out no matter if you are on a book buying ban or if you already have a billion books at home. a life lesson from yours truly, brooke."

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