Chapter 16 Talking it Out

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"So he knows everything?"



"The Queen of Hell."

"Come again?" Jason asked looking severely confused.

"Yeah, apparently the Queen of Hell is a family friend."

"Okay, weird flex."

"Yup." Dani chucked a wet cloth at Jason's head it hit him with a wet slap. Jason pulled the cloth from his face and scrubbed his sleeve across his forehead. He watched as Dani scrubbed at the tabletop with a disinfectant wipe.

"How are you doing with it all? I mean you decided not to say anything and then that all just got blown up in a cloud of smoke."

"I don't think that's the saying."

"Whatever. But are you okay with this? It's pushing you out of like every comfort zone you have, emotionally anyway."

"I don't know where I am at the moment."

"Is that an honest answer?"


The diner had been quiet all morning as it often was on a Monday. Jason and Dani had been manning the diner while Hal took the day off to help Jason's mom with redecorating. Jason wouldn't admit it aloud but he was glad of it. It gave him time to talk to Dani when it was just her and him. He had missed it.​​ They had taken the quiet time to give the diner a more thorough clean.

"I know what he looks like now, my father I mean," Dani said. Jason offered a wide smile.


"Yeah. Wait." Dani tucked her hand under her apron to pull out her phone. She opened her camera roll and then handed it over to Jason. Dani had taken photos of Sam's photographs and run them through an app to convert them to digital, touched them up and removed any damage from time. Jason flicked through them stopping to study a few.

"You look like him. Same smile when you laugh."

"I feel like I'm going to get that a lot."

Jason nodded and handed the phone back to her. She looked down at the photo on the screen, smiled for a moment then tucked it back into her pocket. Dani looked up to see Jason smiling at her his eyes softening. His eyes were almost the colour of caramel toffee.

"What?" She asked while trying to make the fluttering in her chest cease.

"You're happy. I like it when you're happy." Dani smiled bashfully. "You were just so stressed about it before it's just nice to see you finally get some answers."

"I wasn't that stressed."

"Ella, for the past two weeks you've not sung once and you've been really in your own head."

"That proves nothing."

"Doesn't it? Dude when you're okay you sing "Somebody to love" like ten times a day at least, and then Grandpa Hal has to tell you to change the record like five times before you actually do it, and then you go through your entire musical playlist. When you are good you sing. I'm pretty sure anyone we know could tell you that."

Daniella opened her mouth to say something then closed it again.

"Yeah, I have nothing to say to that." She said finally.

"Thank god you have a nice voice is all I'll say." Dani laughed a little through her nose. "So what's the plan now. Is he going to hang around here or are you going with him?" Jason sounded almost worried about the second part.

"No, I'm not going to leave you guys. He may be my uncle but we barely know each other. I'm not going to change my whole life or anything." Jason looked a little relieved his eyes lightning a little. 

"Where is he now?"

"He said he's visiting a friend. I think he needs to talk everything out with someone." 

"That's fair."

"Mh." Dani hummed nodding. 

 -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Sam wrapped his knuckles on the front door of Sheriff Jody Mills' house. He felt nerves simmering in his belly. He patted Miricle's head to calm himself. The door opened, Jody stood in the doorway a bright smile filled every inch of her face.

"Sam." She greeted warmly opening her arms for a hug which Sam obliged happily.

"Hey, Jody." He got out during the tight hug.

"So what's going on?" She asked pulling back to look him in the face. "You sounded weird on the phone."

"Can we go inside and sit down."


Sam and Jody made their way into the dining room. Sam sat down to the left of the head of the table. Jody left and came back a few minutes later with a couple of mugs and a metal coffee plunger and a dog bowl. She placed the bowl of water down for Miricle. Jody sat down at the head of the table and started pouring the coffee.

"So what's goin' on?" She asked.

"You know that hunter that I meant in Connecticut, the one that made me think something was off about her?"

"Yeah. Did you find out what was bugging you?"

"Yeah. She's Dean's daughter." Just rip off the bandaid Sam thought.

Jody froze almost over pouring the second coffee. She hissed a curse as she placed the plunger back down on the table. Jody just stared at him in sheer disbelief.

"How do you know?"


"How did Rowena know?"

"It's a long story but the point is I believe her," Sam said.

"You have a niece!" Jody gasped in disbelief. "My god! Who is she? What's her name?" She cracked a wide grin.

"Her name Is Dani-well Daniella she goes by Dani. She's twenty-one. Her adoptive mom was a hunter so she's been raised in the life."

"She's adopted?"

"Yeah. She was adopted when she was six."

"Does she know who her biological mother is?"

"No. She uh...she was abandoned in a truck when she was two weeks old. Her mother was never found. So she has no idea."

"Her mother abandoned her? That poor girl."

"She's so much like Dean but in little ways that I don't realise till she does something and then it's like seeing him for a second."

Jody smiled fondly at Sam. She hadn't seen him smile like that since Dean had been alive.

"She has good people around her. They love her." He said.

"Does she know that you are family?"

"Yeah, she's known since we first met. That's what threw me off she kept acting weird when certain things came up."

"How did she know?"

"A demon recognised the taste of Winchester in her blood and made a comment about wondering which one of us it was. From what she said she wasn't completely sure they were telling the truth. Not until I showed up to confront her."

"How did she take it?"

"She got scared. Most of the people that have been in her life have either died or abandoned her. She got scared to let another person in especially one that was biologically related to her. That's why she didn't tell me. She didn't want another person to lose."

 "And how does she feel now?"

"She's still hesitant but she's slowly opening up. We're staying in touch. She gave me her number and I have hers so we're keeping in touch."

"Well, that's good cos I just have to meet her at some point."

Sam laughed gently.

"Sure, Jody."

AN: Sorry this part was basically all dialogue I know. Thanks for sticking with me if you are still reading. Will try and write again soon. 

Meg ❤️💋💙

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