Chapter 5 "gorgeous boy!"

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Dani's shift dragged on after that. Her anxiety seemed to weigh heavier and heavier on her chest as each hour ticked by. The threat of a panic attack loomed over her. She didn't know whether she wanted Sam to know or even if this was the right Sam Winchester that that crazy demon woman was talking about, or if the crazy demon lady was even telling the truth. And Jason what was she going to do about Jason, the look on his face when she pulled away flickered through her mind regularly throughout the day. He had looked so hurt, just the memory of it made her chest ache. Damn her and her stupid inability to be vulnerable. She wanted to she really did. And it was Jason the guy that had been in her life through everything good and bad. The guy that she lov- okay no need to think of that right now she had enough to deal with.

The moment her shift was over she bolted out the door to her crappy car and puttered home.

 -ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Sam let out a frustrated sigh as he slumped into the motel armchair. He patted Miracle's head that now rested in his lap. He tugged at his tie. No one would talk to him everyone he questioned just avoided answering or bull shitted him until he gave up. They really didn't like outsiders. Dani was right when she said that they weren't likely to talk to him.

There was a knock at the door causing Miracle to start franticly barking. He silenceed him with a short click of his tongue the dog obeyed mediately. Sam pulled open the door to reveal Dani hopping from foot to foot.

"Can I come in? I'm freezing my ass off out here." She looked a little like a snuggled up bird her chin and mouth burned in a puffy scarf.

"Sure." He said stepping out of the way arm extended in a welcoming gesture. She offered a grateful thank you as she passed. Almost mediately she crouched down to Miracle's level offering the animal a relaxed hand. He sniffed over her knuckles, his wet nose eagerly taking in any information it could. After a moment he seemed satisfied and even excited. He ducked his head under her fingers asking for attention which she gave enthusiastically. "I think he's a fan," Sam smirked.

"I'm a fan of him. What's his name?"


"Cool name." She smiled turning back to the dog. "isn't it? You have such a cool name, yes you do!" She cooed. Miracle happily accepted the affection turning to lean on her crouched knees slowly sliding down until he lay on his back sprawling so she could rub his belly. "Aw aren't you just a gorgeous boy!"

"I think he likes you more than me." Sam scoffed. Dani finally roes from the floor brushing the dog hair from her jeans.

"I have a way with animals... at least according to Hal but his stupid bird hates me so I dono."

"Hal?" He asks.

"He owns the diner he's like a grandpa to me."

Sam and Dani settled down at the small table by the window of the motel room. Miracle was curled up at Dani's feet instead of his usual place by Sam. He looked rather betrayed by the dog's disloyalty while Dani looked downright ecstatic. Miracle looked up at Sam as if to say; well you leave me in the car while you eat food without me. She gives me belly rubs and calls me a "gorgeous boy".

This Hal guy got it right Miracle had taken to her unusually quickly.

"So basically the local legend is that his mother made a deal to kill him and his ghost it supposed to haunt the place. But its bull Jewels checked it like five times."


"Jewels was my mom. She was a hunter." Dani flicked through a small notebook in her lap. Handwritten notes flashed across the pages as she flipped through.


"She died on a hunt a couple of years ago." Dani's face fell.

"I'm sorry," Sam said softly. Dani simply nodded.

"Anyway, she checked the property on a semi-regular basis everything, the house, the crossroad but nothing."

"Why did she check so much."

"People seem to go missing periodically. She didn't tell me everything but it had something to do with that place. She never figured it out. The house was a kind of an enigma to her." Dani watched as Sam's eyes flickered back and forth as if he were watching the thoughts flick by."No matter what lead she followed it seemed to lead back there." Dani analyze Sam's face as he sat there in his detracted state, she tried to pick out any similarity to herself from his face. He looked up suddenly. If he caught her staring he didn't mention anything.

"We should go check it out again, just to be sure." He said grabbing his keys from the table. 


Hey guys sorry I haven't written in a while I've been getting ready to make the move back to uni so a lot of packing and planning and working. Will try to get more parts out soon already have one half-written it'll be a little longer than the last few.

Write soon.

Meg ❤️💙💋

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