Chapter 10 Scales And Kidnappings

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"If anything happens-"

"Yell I know." Dani sighed. Light poured out onto the doorstep as Gerry pulled it open.

"Daniella!" Gerry greeted his arms spread wide. His face dropped slightly when his eyes slid over to Sam. "And Sam...are you wanting a lesson too? I'm sorry but-"

"No, no, no I just came to watch."

"It's Sam's last night here but I've been too busy to hang out with him so I just thought that maybe if it's okay with you he could come along." Her voice had gone soft and she hunched ever so slightly. It made her look younger and a little more vulnerable as she pleaded.

"Well...I uh I suppose it would be alright." Hastings stepped out of the doorway watching the two closely as they passed him.

Sams's eyes scanned every inch of his surroundings as they walked down the hallway to the music room. A cupboard in the hallway caught his attention. It sat just outside the music room door.

"Hey, Sam didn't you need to use the bathroom?" Dani asked turning to face him. Sam raised an eyebrow. "Go" she mouthed. Gerald stood behind her unable to see the interaction.

"Oh yeah, if that's alright?"

"Sure, Bathrooms on the second floor down the hall to the left at the very end." Gerald smiled.


Sam watched as the two entered the music room the door closing behind them. He turned to head further down the hallway on the first level. He scoured it top to bottom. When he came back out into the hallway he could hear piano scales being played followed closely by a controlled voice running the same scales. He could see the hazy silhouette throught the tinted glass doors. He turned the corner headed up the stairs and crept across the landing to an office at the end of the hall. He tried the handle, locked. Fishing his lock pick kit out of his back pocket he made quick work of the door. After a few seconds, a light click was heard. 

Once inside the office, he picked out every detail of the room. Posters of Hastings' old shows lined the walls. Some of him dramatically angling his face to the stage lights and some of Gerald as a younger man mid-leap legs splayed out in almost splits. The guy definitely liked to look at himself. Awards littered the shelves and cupboard tops. 

Sam crept around the desk to stand in front of the computer that was surrounded by more framed photos of Hastings. Sam raised a quizzical brow. The screen lit up with a couple of taps from the mouse. A timetable was open the cursor still blinking on Dani's name. A red "X" had been typed after it. A few other names on the table had the same marking. Weights sunk to the pit of Sam's belly. All of the names he recognised. The missing people. Sam's eyes flicked to the drawer to the left of the desk. He pulled it out and emptied the contents onto the desk. Photos from low-quality surveillance cam footage were scattered across the dark wood. The images were of the same room from the same spot every time. The only difference was the people in them. Every one was of the victims from the shack. Sam turned back to the computer. He spotted a camera icon to the left of the taskbar. The screen filled with the same room from the photos; the music room. Only now there was no one there and the room looked as though a bomb had gone off. The music stand and piano had been knocked over and a small spatter of blood sullied on the carpet. Sam went silent his ears straining. Nothing. When had the singing stopped?! His eyes bulged. 

Sam bolted from the office his gun pulled from his waistband. Boots thundered on the stairs as he sped down them. He stopped at the bottom. The cupboard in the hallway was hanging from one of its hinges the light from inside spilling into the hallway. The hunter slowed his breaths and stepped forward gun raised. There was no movement through the clouded glass of the double doors. The door creaked as he pushed it gently. His shoulders slumped at the sight. The room was empty.  

AN: Hey all don't know why I feel like I have to write one of these every time but hey what ya gonna do. Gunna be off for Easter for another week or so, so I'll try to get more writing in. I do have a big assignment I have to work on too so I'll see how it goes. Anyway hope you enjoyed this part sorry for the cliffhanger.


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