"Come now, children," Grandmama said in a exhausted tone.

Fen and I followed behind as she took the lead.

We were quiet until Fen broke the silence. "I heard about what happened at the clinic. Damn alien. Is he that cowardly to go after the sick and wounded?"

"Hush, child," Grandmama said sternly.

In a more quiet voice, I said, "Mr. Browe is dead."

Fen furrowed his eyebrows together, then squeezed his arm around my shoulders,"Try to think of his smile. Hey. It was so contagious that even the thought of it plastered a grin on your face."

I smiled in reply, but it wasn't happy.

When we arrive at the nursery, Gina immediately ran into my arms when she saw me. She cried and wailed and held into me like I would disappear at any given moment.

"C-Cora! I missed you!" She cried.

"I know, I know,"I hushed her and rubbed her back,"I'm so sorry, Gina."

Guilt flushed threw me like a tree in the breeze. My family had already been traumatized with the loss of my parents. My carelessness didn't help.


Deciding there were clothes that needed to be washed, I gathered up Fen's work clothes, Gina's dress, and Grandmama's night clothes. I also stripped from my dress that was covered in blood from earlier.

I told Grandmama I was heading out and was on my way to the lake where we wash our clothes.

Well, it wasn't really a lake. It was more a flooded soccer complex.

Once I got there, I saw Mika and a few of her other friends and decoded to wash with them.

I had gotten so caught up with talking with the girls that I wasn't even halfway done.

Once the girls finally left, the advised me to immediately start heading home because it was getting dark.

I couldn't though! Fen needed his work clothes and Grandmama needed something to sleep in.

Once I finished, I scurried home.

As I walked down the dark alleyways, I was mortified that the Red Shadow would find me.

Every little noise made me jump and hurry faster.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard a scream of horror.

I ran for cover behind a trash can and clamped my hand over my mouth to keep from any kind of noise from escaping.

After a brief second, I look out into the open to see a man running for his life. The Red Shadow close behind.

The man tripped over a crack in the road, leading him to his demise.

The Red Shadow pounced on the man and began to rip him apart. The man's muffled screams eventually went quiet and the Red Shadow was gone within the blink of an eye.

I waited until I felt it was safe to go back into the open. Once I began to walk away again, I gust of wind hugged me from behind.

The smell of earth, motor fuel, and blood raided my nose. The Red Shadow behind and I'm already dead.

Within a matter of minutes, I'll end up like the poor fool that lied lifeless on the cold ground.

I shut my eyes, ready for my fate when a spine chilling voice whispered behind my ear.


My head whipped behind me only to see that no one was there.



Well this chapter was shit. And for that, I apologize.

Wattpad decided to be a sack of crap and delete my second chapter. Dick.

So, I had to rewrite it, but being the lazy motherfucker I am, I wrote it terribly.

Another thing, the story title got changed to Her Extraterrestrial because Her Outsider is already a thing.


BUT, just because the title changed, that doesn't mean the story will be any different.

AND I PROMISE that the other chapters won't be sucky like this one.

Don't forget to leave a vote and comment even though this chapter don't deserve it! :D


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