What happened?

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An arrow was being nocked into a bow. The archer behind firmly gripped it tight as it was aiming towards the target and Clint was holding up a few arrows while mentoring his daughter, Lila on shooting one.

"Okay, hold on. Don't shoot. You see where you're going?" Clint said.

"Mhm." Lila said.

"Okay, now let's worry about how you get there." he said and corrected her foot to the proper position, and adjusted her shooting stance. "Here. Can you see?"


"You sure?"

"Mhm." she said and he pushed her hair in front of her face while covering her left eye.

"How about now?" he said and they giggled. "Alright. Ready your fingers."

The rest of the family was having a picnic in the field.

"Nice." Cooper said.

"Nice throw, kiddo." Laura said.

"You go."

"Hey, you guys want mayo or mustard, or both?" she asked and Lila looked at Clint.

"Who wants mayo on a hotdog?" Lila asked.

"Probably your brothers." Clint said and looked at Laura. "Uh, two mustard, please! Thanks, mama." he said while Laura looked a Nathaniel.

"Mayo or mustard?" Laura asked.

"How about ketchup?" Nathaniel asked.

"Ketchup?" she asked and looked Clint and Lila. "I can do ketchup."

"Mind your elbow." Clint said and Lila released the arrow and it hit the target directly in the bullseye. "Hahaha! Good job, Hawkeye. Go get your arrow."

"Hey guys! Enough practice, soup's on!" Laura said.

"Alright, we're coming; we're hungry." Clint said and looked behind him but nothing but dust was being blown away by the wind. "Lila, let's go." he said and started looking around. "Lila?" he said and started moving and looked around, and picked up the bow she had. "Honey?" he said and looked around to see Laura and the boys, only they are gone now. He looks seriously panicked and confused as he hurriedly dropped the arrows and jogs over to where they were. "Hey, babe! Babe? Babe? Boys? Boys? Laura?" he said and lightning crackled.

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