Social Noob

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I walked down the street humming a awsome song called Ohh Ahh by Twice that is my favorite song at the moment because it was in my favorite anime recently and I was rocking out. We were proceeding to a meeting about clearing the first floor on Sword Art Online it has been taking pretty long to find the place giving us time to level up I'm level twenty and got two new skills and learned I can put points into my stats I got like five or something every level I put most of my points into acrobatics, agility, senses, and evasion since it was fun to run and jump super high and fast and bounce of walls them always landing flashy while dodging. My sister was level twenty as well and put her points into beast training skills, accuracy, senses, and acrobatics overall she had a cool set of cards being able to heal using a small golden dragon she named Enchant.

We arrived at the meeting for the first floor raid party it looked overall a small group but good enough for the first floor but we would need more players helping later on in the game to help clear it. A man with blue hair came out after a while I was confused then Valkarie informed me that he was the host of the meeting.

"As you all know we have found the location of the first floor boss". Diable said letting the people murmur among them selves in their parties.

He started again "This boss is named Illfang the Kobold Lord he is said to have axe but he changes to a long weapon called a talwar when his last bar gets to red and he is covered by his minons the Kobold Sentinels we have made a sufficent plain we will have to join into parties of four at least". He dismissed the meeting after that to give people time to get into parties.

"It seems we have two out of the four members we need do you have anyone in mind perhaps" Valkarie said to me.

I looked around for people who didn't have anyone else either. Valkarie pointed over to a person in black and a girl in a red cloak. I looked at her with a unsure look and she pushed me over there making me land onto the boy in black while she gracefully walked over. I quickly jumped up and said sorry like five times he said it was alright so it felt alright.

"Hi can we join your party we only have two members" Valkarie asked because I was to nervous already running into the guy. He looked at us then waved down his finger and giving us a party request then seeing his name pop up.

"AAAHH YOU YOU YOUR THE GUY YOUR HIM" I pointed to him and he looked at me confused then he put a shocked expression on to his face and he did the same thing as me.


It was night time and we had that one that night that could be our last night in existence on Earth we walked around looking for Kirito and Asuna we found them sitting on a fountain we walked toward them and sitting down after their permission and we pulled out our bread that was our dinner chomping into it.

"Those are good but I have a trick to make it better" kirito said smiling.

"Hmm?" Everyone looked at him in confusion as he just broke the eternal silence. He pulled out a small jar and he said take some and put it on the bread. We took it and our fingers glowed blue I applied it to the bread and ate it.


We aye the bread very fast and then Valkarie pulled out four glass bottles with a strange liquid inside of it. I opened the bottle and was alarmed that it fizzed I looked at Kirito and Asuna and took a large gulp out of the glass and was amazed that she found a way to copy the exact taste of a coke soda.

"So let's talked strategy what is our mission/job in this boss battle" Valkarie said, she always was careful and smart when it came to things like this because she is a master at absolutely and strategy type games like tower defense.

"We are supposed to kill the bosses minions" Kirito said in response.

I looked at the time it was nine twenty-seven the boss raid was at eight o'clock so I let sigh.

"We all should get to sleep now it's late and we need to get up early". They looked up at the time as well and agreed to it.


We were walking in a forest to the boss room while taking about strategy again explaining how we will kill the Sentinels.

"Oh by the way why do you guys have cloaks on as well ?" He said looking at me and Valkarie.

"Well I'm not sure everyone would be okay having two ten year old kids in there raid party" I said playing with my fingers"

Everyone was put to silence as Diable struck his sword into the ground and gave a motivational speech but it act was pretty bumming so I tuned him out.

He opened the boss doors.


A huge dog looking creature appeared and started to charge at us and we charged right back to him.

Two sentinals came towards us. "READY" Everyone agreed "JUST LIKE THE PLAN"

Valkarie shot three gold glowing arrows to the small monster "SWITCH!" Kirito came into play slashing at the monster sending it back two feet "SWITCH!" Asuna jumped in guarding her rapier stabbing at the monster then the final strike was to be left "SWITCH" I ran at the monsters did a flip and launched myself doing a butterfly kick smashing into the other Sentinels making all of them vanish into blue sparkling crystals.

"I GOT HIM EVERYONE MOVE OUT" Diable charged the boss charging his skill waiting for the monster to change weapon. He threw his axe on the floor and took out a weapon but it wasn't a talwar it was different I thought no he was gone he's dead at that range he would not have time to evade the attack.

"NO STOP RUN!" Valkyrie and Kirito yelled.

Illfang slashed downward making a red mark on him sending back flying Kirito and I ran over to him and he told us we needed to win this for everyone here after he vanished.

Illfang growled and everyone was struck with fear and kirito stood up and stopped waiting for anyone wanting to come.

Asuna walked up "I'm coming to"

Valkarie walked up "As will I"

I walked up "don't count me out now"

We all nodded saying we were ready for anything we charged at the boss then we heard from behind us "RAPID FIRE SHOOTING" Valkarie charged her arrow and shot it then ten move arrows continually striking the boss. "KIRITO GIVE ME A BOOST" I yelled as kirito turned around cuping his hands and I ran fast as I could and put a foot in his hand as he lifted me into the air "DEATH SHOCKWAVE" I did a flip in the air then pointed my foot. Downwards toward the boss getting him right in the face blasting him up then kirito slashed him back down having asuna catch him mid fall and stabbing him many more times then before. It was the final hit "ARROW ETERNITY" Valkarie shot a arrow that grew to a huge blast sending the boss back I ran onto the wall pouncing off of it "STRONG IMPACT" I yelled waiting for the boss then kicking him back to kirito and Asuna they charged at him and jumped stabbing right through Illfang and then he vanished and we all got a bunch of exp making us go up to level fourty seven we rejoiced in happiness.

"NO YOU KILLED HIM YOU KILLED DIABEL" Kiabo I along with everyone else looked at him. I walked up to him and took off my cloak and said "no I did not your friend died by the boss so you may calm down. He punched me but I dodged by jumping back then my sister torn off he cloak as well and was in a stance ready to fire arrow "in a suggestion you don't hit my brother unless you want to die like your friend so leave please". He got mad "ITS ALL OF YOU YOUR CHEATERS AND BETA TESTERS NO YOUR WORSE YOUR A BEATERS.

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