1 : The beginning of Aaliyah

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Aaliyah Pov

I was a Muslim girl. And I couldn't stress how strict my parents were with me. I go to a daily school, a boys and girls school. I am 14 years. My hair was a descending color, starting with black then moving to grey. I was described to have the most deliciated skin, as soft as the worlds most fragile flowers. I loved creamy, peach, pinkish roses. It was enough to describe about me, thought these weren't my descriptions, it was what people described me as. They said I was pretty, and I didn't believe any of them. It was a natural for me to be telling my self that I wasn't pretty, or I could never get a boy to fall in love with me. But even if I did, we would be a secret, a secret from my parents. They would kill me, and most likely disown me.

-------Skip to : To the present day------

I got up from my what should have been a peaceful slumber, until I realized that I had only 30minutes to get ready and be at school. Rushing around my decorated room, I found my Black leggings, the Green shirt and the blue fleece I wore. Just in time remembering to slip in to my trainers, and put on my Black hijab. (Scarf worn by Muslim girls, or any girl.) 

I got in the car and telling the driver to take the shortest route to school. I cant be late. He started driving and we arrived just 3 minutes before registration. As I entered class I was greeted.

"Morning Aaliyah," This was my friend Aisha.

"Morning Aisha, Whats up?" I greeted her back.

"Nothing just the usual's. What about you?" 

"Nothing much life has bored me." She gave me a small smile before turning back to the front.

 I was waiting for my bestie, Zainab, but it looked like she wont be coming today. I sighed to myself. She was free unlike me, her parents didn't mind her dating, or not wearing a hijab.

As we sat in the boredom of music, I could feel the heated room hit me, I was hot under the hijab. At this point I couldn't care much, I took it of letting my hair fall to the sides. Everyone in the class was staring at me. And I was completely confused of why I held everyone's attention. Well that is until Ruben spoke up,
"You look better with your hair down Aaliyah, You should do it more often."

"Thanx.." I replied.

My dumb brain figured out that they had never seen me without a hijab. And They never knew about my parents and being strict. Or the fact I wasn't allowed to date. As the break bell rang, I made sure to be the last person to step out of class, but the moment I reached the bench where we sat, I got compliments from everyone, Every year, teacher, student, girls and boys. I was the center of attention. Growing up I had always loved getting attention. And now I had it, all of it.

I sat down with my year group friends (in year 8), as I looked over at the football pitch, I saw a single boy, playing with his friends, he was in year 10.  I have never spoken to him, but I always catch myself looking at him.... I need to talk to him.

"Aaliyah, you coming? You seem distracted?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by a friend from year 9. Her name was Reha.

"Ya sure, lets go, I was just watching the boys play football, I want to learn." I lied. I never knew where we were going I just agreed. I hadn't told anyone about my thoughts, and I intended to keep it that way. Getting up I followed my friends. We found ourselves at the tuck shop.

-------Next Part out sooon. What do You think will happen to Aaliyah? Will she finally talk to the guy? Will they end up together? What about her parents?----

------Find out in the next chapter----


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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