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Omg hi

How are you?

I'm fine and yourself?

Oh I'm also really fine cause I heard from a little bee that a certain cute brit got a crush on me

Oh no i swear Charles is lying, he doesn't even know what he's talking

How do you know I was talking about Charles?

Cause you don't really interact with any of my other friends

Well that's true but I think that Charles is telling the truth

Why would you think that?

Oh you know just saw some interesting comments under my last post

Oh no

No worries little one everything is fine

Are you sure I don't wanna come over like a weird fan that's obsessed with you

But you are
Anyway I've got a question

Shoot it

Would you go out with me for some drinks?

Is this a joke?
Did Charles made you do it?

Oh no Cariño, I just find you really interesting


Yes, so what do you say?

I would love to go out for some drinks

Sweet, when do you have time?

The real question is when do you have time cause you're kind of busy and famous.
But I don't have time the next week cause I'm going home

Well yes I'm famous but I still have a private life and freetime.
And also, home?

Oh right, I'm living in London together with Charlotte cause we're studying together but I'm originally from Bristol

Have fun at home then little one

Thank you

And for our date we can go in two weeks on the Tuesday when your free?

Sounds perfect

Then that's set

Thank you for not being weirded out with me

You seem like a person I could never be weirded out with

That sounds really nice but you don't know me yet

But I will get to know you and I don't wanna hear you saying anything bad about yourself



I'd really love to chat some more with you but I've got uni in the morning so in need to go

Buenos noches Cariño, sweet dreams

Thank you and for you too

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