Chapter 20

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Haise Pov

"Time check, Two in the morning. Current activity? Most definitely not separating Lewd Fan Arts and images to a hidden folder, because Liliana is becoming an expert on using the Computer." I shivered at the memory of Liliana finding my Porn/Hentai collection.

"That woman is learning technology way too fast. But then again, it is my fault for exposing her in the first place." I sighed, finishing the transfer and holy hell, that's a lot of Porn/Hentai. Maybe I should craft another Security Craft computer and save everything there.

I stood up, stretching and allowing my back to pop some bone farts, and thus, satisfying myself. I left, after closing everything but kept it running due to it being my main security system.

An idea then suddenly popped up inside my head as I step on to an Open Blocks Elevator and I grinned.

"Better be prepared!" With that, I spent the rest of the night literally mining out a new section underground, connected to my second basement floor.

Time Skip

"Ok so, while I honestly thought about letting you girls in a little plan of mine a little later. But that is a different plan." I announced as we ate breakfast.

"Ooh! What is it!" Of course, Sapphirette is the first one to jump on the boat.

"I'm thinking of introducing proper technology to the world." As soon as I said it, many were confused. Yet, Sapphirette herself is more than excited.

"I get the feeling that we're skipping ahead on a few things." Liliana voiced her concerns. Which is true, but it's not as bad of an impact to the environment as with how powerful the Mechanism mod's generators are. A literal field of both Solar and Wind generators is enough to power at least eight kingdoms.

"While that's true, it's not much of a bad thing. After all, I did read about an Island under the Great Songstress' watch that harvests the constant lightning storm on said island to power their admittedly advanced, yet limited Technology." Yes, I was surprised as well to remember that island. I mean, most of the inhabitants there are Thunderbirds and Sirens.

"But that will take a while mostly because the materials needed for them are expensive and definitely has a long process." That killed their excitement a little.

"However, since that is a different plan. I have another one! Which is basically showing off my world's entertainment!" That made them perk up a bit.

"You mean like Plays and Music and stuff?" Sapphirette asked, followed by a nodding Calla and and slightly blue Ricky from her constant hugging... Should probably make a Log Cabin for the two nearby.

"Yep! Though I'm introducing Comics and Manga, which are basically books but mostly consists of either colored or non-colored images." I explained.

"And for the sake of understanding what the hell I'm talking about, here. Take some of these and read them." I pulled out a stack of DC comics, the entire Naruto Manga, Death Note, Marvel Comics, and for the fun of it, Monster Musume Manga and Monster Girl Doctor Manga.

I'm quite surprised that all of my Manga collection got transported as well. Also, I finally found one of my H.P. Lovecraft books, which is basically The Call of Cthulhu.

My head suddenly rang as the image of those sea green eyes with bar shaped pupils suddenly flashed inside my head. Fuck, I need to keep my guard up from those. And maybe not think about the Dating Sim of them.

Another ring as two more pairs of eyes briefly flashed, one Golden and the other, Neon Green.

"Is something wrong Haise?" I felt Liliana hold me up in concern, as I apparently lost control of my legs a little.

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