Saving him | Chapter Eight

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Punch. Punch. Duck. Kick.

I kept on repeating my routine over and over again. I think the Punching Bag had dents of how hard I was punching.

"man calm down what did the punching bad ever do to you" joked Matthew as he came inside the gym.

"nothing I'm just practicing for the fight this Friday" I remind him as I continue to punch the punching bag.

"are you sure that's the only reason" he asked as he sat down on the bench and he turned to look at me.

"yes what else would it be" I say

"oh I don't know Emma stopping your fight with the Ethan dude" he looked at me.

"no" I grit out .

Emma could off gotten hurt. when she told me to stop I did but the jock took that as the chance to punch me making me lose balance and him winning. Somehow Emma got us apart but now people think I can't finish a fight. that I need a girl to help me.

"sure so you don't care at all about her" he asked.

I didn't say that

"no" I say once more.

"okay then I must say Emma is quite good looking I wonder if I can charm her with my charms" he smirked

he better not be serious or I swear- wait what am I saying I don't know Emma sure I've seen her around school before. She would always be smiling oh her smile but I care about her not in a love dovey way more like friends.

"fine you can do what ever you want" I grit out and punch the punching bad really hard.

"okay then maybe things can go on from there what if we start to date I can ki- I snapped

"Don't even think about it" I threatened.

"awh is does Lucas have a crush" teased Matthew.

"no- I just don't want her to get hurt" I say though it sound like I'm trying to convince myself not him.

"that's a sign that you care" he reminded me.

"yeah so" I acknowledged that if I do care then what then.

"So you got damm say sorry for over reacting" he sigh rolling his eyes.

"how the fuck am I supposed to do that and what about the people and their stupid rumors" I say facing him.

"First grow some balls and tell her sorry second if anyone questions you well prove them wrong" he said irritated.

"it sounds so easy" i roll my eyes.

"oh my I think a six year old will do it better than you" he shook his head.

"that's not helping and I cant guarantee that she'll say she'll forgive me" I say

"it's worth a try" he shrugged.

"I guess it is" I whisper.

"Now come on we have a fight to win on Friday" yelled Matthew.

I guess I'm saying sorry.


After a couple of more hours at the gym I took a shower in the bathroom there and the left Matthew said he had to do something so we parted different ways.

As I park my motorcycle outside my house I see the lights are on meaning my mom is home.

I open the door and greeted by my moms food which let me let you is delicious. I place my keys in the counter and see my mom next to the stove.

"mom remember what the doctor said you can't be near the stove" I remind her and I take her hand and tug on in so she'll move.

"Lucas I need to do things around the house " she pleaded.

"no mom I don't want you getting any more sicker you and Olivia are the only family I have left." I remind her.

"my baby boy you know I'm so proud of you. for helping me pay the bills, For taking care of Olivia when I can't" she spoke as tears gathered in her eyes

"come on mom don't cry I don't mind at all just think about how you are going to beat cancers ass" I whisper placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Lucas Carter watch you're language!" She scolded.

"LUKY" yelled my little princess as her arms wrap around my legs.

"hey little princess" I say as I bend down and pick her up and place her on my hip.

"luky I missed ywu so much" she said wrapping her arms around my neck and placing her head on my shoulder.

"sorry Ol I had to do stuff but I promise to take you to the park on Saturday" I promised

"really" she grinned showing off her missing two front teeth

"yes now we got to help our mommy because she has to fight the bad stuff in her body remember" I said

"Yes I cleaned all my room so she wouldn't have to yell or clean it herself I even cleaned the living room" she said nodding.

"good" I grin

"Now mom go sit down and talk with Oliva and I'll finish the dinner" I order her.

"you don't have too" she said

"I know I want to so go" I kick her out of the kitchen.

So a year or so ago my mom wasn't feeling good so we took her to the doctor were they diagnosed her with cancer. She became incapable to work so with the money I get from fights I help pay for everything here in this house. My mother has no clue were I get the money she always worries but I tell her I don't do anything bad.

There is a change she will live with the right medical treatment but I still haven't gotten so much money. We don't take other people's money I'm waiting for the Champion fights down in a couple of months when you can win up to fifty to a hundred grand. With that money I will be able to pay all her treatment.

Oliva is my baby sister. She is a bundle of joy, she's turning six in a month. She has my moms brown hair but has my dads green eyes.

My dad he left us when Oliva was born. I don't care if he's dead. he left us and when we needed him a lot.

My family isn't rich. I don't have a dad. I don't have the best things but I Goddamit have one great mom a great little sister and I wouldn't trade that for all the money in the world I'm happy the way I am.

I don't need money, girls, or to party because I love our tiny home. I got two wonderful girls in my life I don't need a slut. Parties I don't need to get wasted to have a good time sitting down with my baby sister watching a Barbie movie is pretty great for me.

Finally Lucas's POV yay!
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