
You didn't notice it but Momoi had just came to watch Seirin and Shutoku. She sees Kise and watches the game together with him. She looks around to see Kuroko-kun is on the bench and you standing there, behind him.

"Shin-tan/Midorin's changed, hasn't he?" you and Momoi both said, smiling.

"Coach." Kuroko-kun said.

"Huh?" Riko-senpai said, as her and Koganei-senpai looks at Kuroko-kun.

"I think I can do it now." he said. "My new drive."

Everyone sees Kuroko-kun walk up to the stage.

"We've been waiting for you Kuroko."


"(L/N)." Midorima said.


"Help me tape my fingers."

"Eh? Why?" you asks, getting a tape. "You can do it for yourself, you know."

"I like how you tape it." he answers. "Will you be willing to teach me before we get to highschool? I mean you're going to a different highschool then the 6 of us, right?"

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it, really." you said, smiling sadly. "But I don't mind showing you how to do it. It's nothing special, really."

"Thanks, (L/N)."

"It's no problem." you said, smiling.


"(Y/N)-chan." Riko-senpai said. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh. I'm fine." you said, smiling. "I just recall something from the past..."

Kuroko-kun goes back on the court, and when the ball was finally got to him, he had caught the ball, much to Midorima's surprise. He had finally mastered his Vanishing Drive.


"We've tied." you said.

"It's a tie." Riko-senpai said.

You let out a sigh. You smiled. "I'm relieved a bit. We didn't lose but we didn't win either. They did their best."

Kuroko and Midorima talk about settling the match later on during the Winter Cup as the audience cheers of a good game. The same time, Kirisaki Daichi had won their match. You suddenly had a chill. "What's wrong?" Riko-senpai asks.

"It's nothing." you said. "Which school is Seirin up against next?"

"Kirisaki Daichi." she replies.

You see Kuroko-kun walking outside to the building and you followed him. "Kuro-tan, hold up." You followed him to see Midorima, Momoi, and Kise.

"Excuse me. That's my dog." Kuroko-kun said, as Nigou walks to him. Kuroko-kun grabs Nigou up and Nigou licks Kuroko-kun's face.

"Tetsu-kun!" Momoi said, smiling.



"I'm here too, you know." you said, smiling. "It's been a while."

"What are you all doing here?"

Momoi's smile turn to a frown. But she quickly blushes with shock because Nigou had licked Kuroko's face. She falls to the ground and faints. "Momoi-cchi!"

Takao calls Midorima and walks up to him. But Midorima quickly decides to leave and walk away. "Let's go Takao."

"What? Are you sure?" Takao asks, getting the bicycle.

"Kuroko. Let's play again at the Winter Cup." Midorima said.

"Yes." Kuroko-kun answers.

"Are you leaving too, Ryota-kun?"

"Yeah. I have to take Momoi-cchi home."

"Ah okay." you said, as Kise walks away with Momoi on his back. You were left with Kuroko-kun alone.

"Let's go back." he said.

"Okay." you said, smiling.

"How are you going to get home? Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, I've got a ride home." you said.

"That's good to hear." he said, smiling. He holds your hand, which surprises you. "Can we hold hands?"

You look at the shadow blushing, making your cheek pink as well. "Sure."

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