Eye contact

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He fell on him. She was lying on it. She tried to stand up quickly. He still lay but did not stand. She turned for one second to look for help, but he was already standing behind her. She began to apologize for him because she fell on his. He actually saved her. He began to approach her, step by step. She became nervous. She leaned on books. He was very close. "What are you doing," she said. He began to get closer to her lips. She closed her eyes slowly. He stopped close to her eyes and looked at her. The lights in the library went out of nowhere. It was so dark that there was almost nothing to see. She ran away from him. She was trying to find a way out of the library. She saw a light at the end of the hall. It was the front door. She got into her class quickly. The bell rang to begin the class.

2. Class:

The boy who was with her came to class. She became nervous. She began to sweat. The teacher came and started teaching the subject. He stared at her for an hour, unable to take his eyes off her. The class is over.

She packed up and hurried to the school with the other girls. She tried not to think about what had happened. "You don't know who the boy sitting in the back window is in our classroom," she asked. "He's one of those bad boys she shouldn't have much fun with," said one girl in the group. She realized that she needed to bring some books to the school principal. She took books and she said goodbye to the girls and went already. She had an awful lot of those books, so she just kidnapped them. There was almost a group of boys in front of her at the headquarters, and she didn't notice them and bumped into them. Books were everywhere. The boy from the library was in that group, he went to help her. They tasted one book at a time and made eye contact. She realized it was him and got scared. ....

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